26 fascinating photos, not just a little bit interesting!

Time:September 1, 2024

Sometimes, a photo can change our perception and take us to experience a different world. These 26 fascinating photos are not only a bit interesting, but also contain the mysteries of nature, technology, and life. They will take you to explore unknown territories and experience the magnificence and mystery of the universe. Are you ready to broaden your horizons?

1. Lemons float in water, while lime sinks.

The airplanes of the 1960s had a unique charm.

If Jupiter were to approach the moon, we would witness such a stunning scene.

From a cosmic perspective, typhoons exhibit astonishing scale and power.

In 1984, a huge dinosaur replica was transported by helicopter to the Boston Science Museum.

There is a significant difference in the paint effect between the first and last layers of this painting.

7. The unique design on the wings of the Atlas moth successfully imitates the shape of the snake to scare off potential predators.

In a piece of amber, we discovered wasp fossils dating back 125 million years.

This close-up photo shows some worn pebbles on the surface of Mars, which bear witness to the long history of Mars.

10. The endpoint of the Great Wall of China.

11. This is a special black tissue.

12. Polar bear paw prints next to human hands.

North Carolina is the birthplace of barcodes.

This one dollar bill from 1917 was designed in that era's currency style.

15. Vincent&Middot; Van Gogh's painting palette.

16. The dragon tornado combines flames and whirlwinds to create a spectacular scene.

This photo captures the moment when lightning strikes trees.

The colorful Rainbow Mountain is located in the Cusco region of Peru and is a magnificent natural scenery.

The Great Prism Spring is famous for its rich and colorful scenery, attracting countless tourists to come and enjoy.

The name book meticulously records the names of every known victim of the World War II massacre.

The art of disguise involves hiding, deceiving, and confusing enemies.

22. The cockpit of the space shuttle Endeavour.

23. The unique characteristics of this horse; Fox print” The pattern makes it stand out from the crowd.

My friend's parrot has a peculiar appearance and looks like a lifelike toy.

25. An 8-ton killer whale jumped 4.5 meters in the air, chasing a group of dolphins and demonstrating astonishing strength.

The opening ceremony of the 1980 Moscow Olympics was unprecedentedly grand.



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