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英語繪本 ▏每日壱讀之《三囯演義—火燒赤壁 The Burning Of Red Cliff》

Time:August 15, 2024


Cao Cao led an army of 200,000 to set up camp at Chibi on the north bank of the Yangtze River.


Liu Bei and Sun Quan joined forces to fight Cao Cao. They sent Zhou Yu to set up camp on the south bank of the Yangtze River. They only had 50,000 troops.


The wind on the river made the boats shake, causing Cao Cao's soldiers to vomit all the time and even unable to eat.


Cao Cao was worried that if this continued, the army would not be able to fight. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.


At this time, someone suggested: "Let's connect all the boats together and tie them with iron chains. Wouldn't it be stable to wear them this way?" Cao Cao said happily: "Haha, this is a really good idea, go and prepare quickly."


So, the soldiers followed Cao Cao's orders and connected the boats one by one. This method really worked, and there were fewer soldiers who were seasick.


The old general Huang Gai persuaded Zhou Yu to surrender to Cao Cao, but Zhou Yu didn't listen and beat Huang Gai severely. Huang Gai's butt was broken and he could only lie on the bed to recover.


One day, Cao Cao received a letter from Huang Gai, saying that Zhou Yu had only a few men and wanted to go against him. He was really stupid. I will take some men to surrender to you.


Cao Cao laughed triumphantly and said, "No one is as powerful as me!"


It was getting dark, and the wind on the river was getting stronger and stronger. Huang Gai left the camp of Dongwu with ten large ships and several small boats.


Cao Cao's soldiers knew that Huang Gai was coming to surrender, and they all stood on the boats waiting eagerly. At this time, a soldier said, "Look. Huang Gai's fleet is coming! This time we will definitely defeat Zhou Yu."


Suddenly, a fire broke out on one of Huang Gai's large ships. The flames burned more and more vigorously, and the wind rushed wildly, and the wooden boards of the hull were quickly engulfed by the fire.


Then, a strong wind blew, and the flames flew to the ships of Cao Cao's army. Because these ships were connected together, Cao Cao's fleet soon became a sea of fire.


It turned out that Zhou Yu had pretended to fight Huang Gai, and Huang Gai had also pretended to surrender to Cao Cao. They had filled the big boat with hay in advance, poured ointment on it, and started to set fire when they approached Cao's camp.


This was really Zhou Yu fighting Huang Gai, one willing to fight and the other willing to be beaten!


The soldiers of the Eastern Wu on the boat shot flaming arrows at Cao's camp, and not only the warships of Cao's army were burned, but also the camps on the shore were burned by the fire.


The firelight reflected the sky red, and soon there were countless soldiers in Cao's army who were burned to death by the fire, trampled to death by the crowd, and drowned by the water. Cao's army was defeated!


Cao Cao looked at all this, pounded his chest with his hand and shouted: "I really shouldn't have connected all the warships together!" He finally realized that Huang Gai was pretending to surrender.



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