用英語講好中囯故事:Be not bound by one pattern 不拘壱挌

Time:August 16, 2024

In the Qing Dynasty, Gong Zizhen was a famous thinker and writer in our country. From an early age, he was diligent and eager to learn. He was especially good at writing poems. At the age of twenty, he became a well-known poet at that time.


Gong Zizhen's poems are full of imagination. The language is romantic and magnificent and is filled with strong patriotic enthusiasm.


He passed the provincial examination and became a juren at the age of twenty-seven and passed the metropolitan examination and became a jinshi at the age of twenty-eight. He served as an official in the Qing government for more than twenty years.


Gong Zizhen hated evil like an enemy and was dissatisfied with the corruption and darkness of officialdom. At the age of forty-eight, he resolutely resigned from his official position and returned home.


On his way home, Gong Zizhen passed by Zhenjiang. At that time, local people were offering sacrifices to the gods. The street was bustling with people coming and going. People carried various gods for worship. A Taoist priest, upon hearing that the famous literary giant Gong Zizhen of the current dynasty was also here, hurriedly came forward and earnestly requested Gong Zizhen to write an essay for sacrificing to the gods.


Gong Zizhen readily agreed. He picked up his pen and wrote the poem "Jiuzhou is full of vitality relying on wind and thunder. It is truly lamentable that all horses are silent. I urge the Heavenly Lord to rouse himself anew and send down talents without being bound by convention."


The meaning of this poem is: China should be full of vitality and carry out social reforms like a strong wind and a thunderbolt. Now people are all silent. This is really sad! I sincerely advise the Heavenly Lord to cheer up again and not be limited by convention so that useful talents can emerge in large numbers.



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