用英語講中囯故事——Playing the Lute to a Cow 對牛彈琹

Time:August 16, 2024


Playing the Lute to a Cow


It means to reason with someone who doesn't understand, or to make futile efforts in front of someone who doesn't understand. It's like playing an elegant lute to a cow. The cow can't appreciate and understand it, so it's in vain.


In the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a musician named Gong Mingyi in the State of Lu. He was very good at playing the lute and had superb skills.


One day, Gong Mingyi played his most proud song in the field, hoping that someone would appreciate his lute skills.


However, there were only a few cows grazing around. They had no reaction to Gong Mingyi's music and just buried their heads in eating grass.


Gong Mingyi thought that maybe the song was too elegant and the cow couldn't understand it, so he changed the tune and played a little song.


However, the yellow cow still had no reaction and continued to graze leisurely.


Finally, Gong Mingyi used all his skills and played his best song.


But the yellow cow just occasionally shook its tail and was busy chasing away the gadflies, ignoring him at all.


After a while, the yellow cattle actually slowly changed places to eat grass.


Seeing this, Gong Mingyi had to sigh and took the zither back.


He sighed: "People like my zither very much, why don't these cattle like it?"


The next day, the zither player met an old farmer. The old farmer saw that he was unhappy and asked him what happened.


The zither player told him about playing the zither to the cattle yesterday.


The old farmer laughed and said: "Music player, how can the cattle understand your zither? The cattle are only interested in eating grass and can't understand the zither."


Gong Mingyi realized at this time that although his zither sounded beautiful, the cattle could not understand it, so his efforts here seemed meaningless.


This story tells us: When communicating with people or doing things, we should pay attention to choosing appropriate objects and methods to avoid doing useless work. At the same time, we should also respect others' understanding and acceptance ability, and do not force others to accept things that we think are correct but the other party cannot understand.


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