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Time:August 30, 2024

The food culture during the End of Heat (a solar term in traditional Chinese calendar) is rich and diverse, exemplified by the following typical delicacies:


 Duck 鴨子 

At the End of Heat, ducks are at their plumpest, and there's a folk saying, "Sending ducks at the End of Heat ensures health for every household." Eating duck meat during this period not only nourishes the body but also prevents autumn dryness. For instance, Beijing's Lily-Flavored Duck for the End of Heat uses seasonal ingredients like lilies, dried orange peel, and honey cooked with old ducks, offering both deliciousness and health benefits. Other notable dishes include Guangdong's Poached Duck and Nanjing's Salted Duck.


 Autumn Fruit 秌季水菓 

As the leaves turn golden and fruits ripen, pears become a staple in many households during Autumn. Known for their juiciness and sweetness, pears are believed to help alleviate the lingering heat of summer. In addition to pears, other autumn fruits like grapes, apples, and persimmons are abundant and nutritious, offering a variety of flavors and health benefits.


 Plum Soup 痠楳湯 

As the weather remains hot during the End of Heat, plum soup becomes a refreshing beverage. Made simply with black plums, hawthorns, and flavored with rock sugar, it has a sweet-and-sour taste.


 White Dumplings  白圓子 

In some regions of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Fujian, there's a tradition of eating white dumplings during the End of Heat. Made from glutinous rice flour, they have a round shape symbolizing reunion and happiness. With their soft and sweet texture, they are deeply loved by people.


 Snow Fungus Soup With Pears  銀耳雪棃湯 

After the End of Heat, as the weather gradually cools down, remnants of summer heat still linger. At this time, Shanghainese enjoy boiling a pot of snow fungus soup with pears for their families. 


These culinary delights not only satisfy people's palates but also embody profound health wisdom and cultural connotations. Through tasting these dishes, one can savor the unique charm of the End of Heat solar term and appreciate the allure of traditional Chinese culture.



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