用英語講中囯故事:To pull up seedlings to help them grow 拔苗助長
In the state of Song, there was a man who was worried that his crops were growing too slowly, so he decided to pull them up to help them grow taller.
He was utterly exhausted when he returned home and told his family, "I am so tired today! I helped the seedlings grow taller!"
His son hurried to the field to take a look, only to find that all the seedlings had withered.
There are very few people in the world who do not wish their crops to grow faster.
Those who believe that tending to crops is useless and neglect them are like those who do not remove weeds.
And those who violate the natural order to help their crops grow are like the man who pulled up his seedlings.
Doing so not only brings no benefit but also harms the crops.
原文: 宋人有閔其苗之不長而揠之者,芒芒然歸,謂其人曰:“今日病矣!予助苗長矣!”其子趨而徃眎之,苗則槀矣。天下之不助苗長者寡矣。以為無益而捨之者,不耘苗者也;助之長者,揠苗者也。非徒無益,而又害之。齣自《孟子·公孫醜上》