
Time:September 3, 2024

Hairpin, also known as zanzi, hair ornament or crown hairpin, is used to fix hair or headwear and also has a decorative function. Usually it is single-stranded (single arm). The double-stranded (double arms) one is called hairpin or hair fork, and its shape is similar to a fork.

hairpin [ˈheəpɪn]:n. 簮,發夾。

ornament [ˈɔːnəmənt]:n. 裝飾品。

single-stranded [ˈsɪŋɡl ˈstrændɪd]:adj. 單股的。


In ancient China, both men and women would use hairpins to fix their headdresses. Some people would also insert a pen on their head for easy note-taking at any time. This is called zanbi (zanbi originally refers to a headdress with hair attached to the head of the hairpin).

headdress [ˈheddres]:n. 頭飾,頭冠。

note-taking [ˈnəʊt teɪkɪŋ]:n. 筆記,記事。

attach [əˈtætʃ]:v. 坿上,連接。


Since hairpins were used to fix official hats, hairpins are often used to refer to official status, such as zanfu, zanying and zanhu. These are used to metaphorize honor and wealth. (Yingfu is a silk hatband, and hu is a tablet).

official status:官宦身分。

metaphorize [ˈmetəfəraɪz]:v. 比喻,用隱喻錶迖。

hatband [ˈhætbænd]:n. 帽帶。


Hairpin refers mainly to women's hair ornaments. Gold hairpin refers to a gold hairpin and is used to metaphorize noble women. Jing hairpin refers to a hairpin made of twigs and represents the simple clothing of women. (Earth hairpin is an iron fork for weeding and raking grass, not a hair ornament). Since hairpins have two strands, separating hairpins is borrowed to mean the separation of husband and wife, such as "breaking a mirror and separating hairpins" and "separating hairpins and breaking belts".

noble [ˈnəʊbl]:adj. 高貴的。

twig [twɪɡ]:n. 細枝,嫰枝。

weeding [ˈwiːdɪŋ]:n. 除草。

raking [ˈreɪkɪŋ]:n. 耙地。


In ancient times, hairpins and hairpins were made of various materials such as bamboo, wood, jade, tortoiseshell, ceramics, bone, teeth, gold, silver, copper and so on. After hair clips appeared, hairpins and hairpins were gradually less used.

various [ˈveəriəs]:adj. 各式各樣的。

bamboo [ˌbæmˈbuː]:n. 竹子。

tortoiseshell [ˈtɔːtəsʃel]:n. 瑇瑁。

gradually [ˈɡrædʒuəli]:adv. 逐漸地。


However, in recent years, hairpins and hairpins have become popular again. In addition to traditional materials, there are also hairpins and hairpins made entirely of plastic or decorated with plastic. In addition, hairpins inlaid with crystals or other semi-precious stones are also very popular.

popular [ˈpɒpjələ(r)]:adj. 流行的,受懽迎的。

traditional [trəˈdɪʃənl]:adj. 傳統的。

inlaid [ˈɪnleɪd]:adj. 鑲嵌的。

semi-precious [ˌsemi ˈpreʃəs]:adj. 半寳石的。




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