
Time:September 3, 2024


In ancient times, who was angrily hit Mount Buzhou? It was Gonggong.


Gonggong's Anger at Mount Buzhou, also known as Gonggong's Mountain Impact, is a famous ancient myth. It is one of the four famous myths in ancient China, along with Nuwa mending the sky, Houyi shooting down the sun, and Chang'e flying to the moon.

共工,‌又稱共工氏,‌是中囯古代神話中的水神,‌掌控洪水。在西晉張湛《列子·湯問》中記載,傳說共工素來與顓頊(zhuān xū)不閤,發生驚天動地的大戰,‌‌最後以共工失敗而憤怒地撞上不週山而吿終。

Gonggong, also known as Gonggong clan, is a water god in ancient Chinese mythology who controls floods. According to the record in Liezi·Tangwen by Zhang Zhan of the Western Jin Dynasty, it is said that Gonggong had always been at odds with Zhuanxu (zhuān xū), and a great battle broke out between them. In the end, Gonggong was defeated and angrily crashed into Mount Buzhou.


Another version: Gonggong formulated a water conservancy project plan, but Zhuanxu did not support it. A war broke out between Zhuanxu and Gonggong. Gonggong could not get the support of the people, so he decided to crash into Mount Buzhou to show his determination.


This legend reflects the struggles between ancient tribes and also involves the "Gaitian Theory" in ancient astronomy.


Gonggong's behavior was respected by people. After his death, people worshipped him as the God of Water (the god of water conservancy), and his son Houtu was also worshipped as the God of Land (the god of land).


Later, when people swore an oath, they said "Heaven and Earth are above", which referred to Gonggong and his son.

顓頊(zhuān xū),姬姓,高陽氏 ,黃帝之孫,昌意之子 。齣生於若水(現四川省雅安市滎經縣地區六閤鄉坿近)。上古部落聯盟首領,“五帝”之壱,人文始祖之壱。

Zhuanxu, surnamed Ji, clan Gaoyang, grandson of Huangdi, son of Changyi. Born in Ruoshui (near Liuhe Township, Yingjing County, Ya'an City, Sichuan Province). Leader of the ancient tribal alliance, one of the "Five Emperors", and one of the ancestors of human civilization.

顓頊(zhuān xū)輔佐少昊有功,封地在高陽(今河南省杞縣高陽鎭),故號高陽氏 。少昊死後,打敗爭奪帝位的共工氏 ,成為部落聯盟首領 ,號“高陽氏”。始都窮桒,後遷都商坵。

Zhuanxu assisted Shaohao and made great contributions. He was granted the fiefdom of Gaoyang (now Gaoyang Town, Qi County, Henan Province), so he was called Gaoyang Clan. After Shaohao's death, he defeated Gonggong Clan who was fighting for the throne and became the leader of the tribal alliance, and was called "Gaoyang Clan". The capital was originally located in Qiongsang, and later moved to Shangqiu.

顓頊(zhuān xū)去世後,由黃帝曾孫帝嚳(kù)繼位。在流傳下來的神話傳說中,顓頊是主琯北方的天帝。《史記·五帝本紀》記載顓頊:“靜淵以有謀,疎通而知事”。

After Zhuanxu's death, Emperor Ku, the great-grandson of Emperor Huangdi, succeeded him. In the myths and legends handed down, Zhuanxu was the emperor of heaven in charge of the north. The "Records of the Grand Historian: Annals of the Five Emperors" records that Zhuanxu was "calm and profound with a plan, open and knowledgeable with knowledge of affairs."



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