用英語講好中囯文化-白露節氣說白露茶White Dew Tea

Time:September 7, 2024

During the White Dew season, the weather gets cooler, and the temperature difference between day and night increases. At this time, the growth of tea trees slows down, and the growth cycle of tea leaves becomes longer, leading to richer nutrients.


White Dew tea is more suitable for multiple infusions than spring tea, which is too tender and has a light aroma. It is also not as dry and bitter as summer tea. Its buds and leaves are thicker, with a mix of yellow and green colors and noticeable silver tips(Pekoe). The fragrance of the tea is richer and lasts longer, and it has a smooth taste with a sweet aftertaste.


The main types of White Dew tea include white tea, oolong tea, and black tea.


1. White Dew White Tea: It mainly refers to Shoumei tea. Shoumei is picked during the White Dew period and is made through natural withering and drying processes. The tea brews to an orange-yellow or deep yellow color, with a pure aroma and a refreshing taste.


2. White Dew Oolong Tea: For example, Tieguanyin. The Tieguanyin harvested during White Dew benefits from climatic factors, resulting in a more pronounced fragrance and flavor. The leaves are dark green and glossy, tightly curled. When brewed, the tea liquor is bright golden yellow with a rich taste and a unique orchid fragrance.


3. White Dew Black Tea: For instance, Liubao tea. The leaves undergo processes such as fixing, rolling, piling, and drying. They appear dark brown and glossy, with tightly rolled leaves. The tea liquor presents a rich and bright red, with an aged aroma and a smooth, thick taste, featuring a distinctive areca nut fragrance.


For brewing, it is recommended to use a purple clay teapot. The purple clay teapots retain the temperature and aroma of the tea, enhancing its richness.


Brewing Method: Generally, the water temperature for brewing White Dew tea should be between 90°C and 100°C. First, rinse the teapot with hot water, then add an appropriate amount of tea leaves, pour in hot water, and steep for a moment before drinking. You can adjust the brewing time and tea quantity according to your personal taste.



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