Emotional stability is an amazing ability 情緒穩定是壱個人最了不起的能力
The kind of emotions you have will determine the kind of life you live.
Stable emotions are the best nourishment you can give yourself
Emotions are like a gun,when we pull the trigger of our emotions ,the barrel is actually aimed at ourselves
You have to learn to control our emotions,when your emotions are good ,you will find that your family is good ,your health is good,your wealth is good, everything goes well
If emotions are not controlled,but allowed to develop unrestrained,they will become a raging flood that devours all goodness and happiness
如菓情緒不加以控製,任其發展,便會成為洪水猛獸 吞噬所有美好與倖福
To remind yourself : do not go out with anger; do not do things with anger;do not sleep with trouble; do not do things with acute
Work when awake,read when confused, think when alone,control when angry
The greatest enemy on life's journey is negative emotions
Being overly concerned and living with negative energy and anger will only make yourself feel exhausted
Actually we keep fighting all the way not to change the world but not to let the world change us.