「快遲到了」 英語怎麼說?

Time:September 23, 2024



In our daily lives, we often find ourselves in situations where we are running short on time and might be late. In English, there are various ways to express this urgency. This article will introduce several common English phrases to help you accurately convey "I'm about to be late" in different situations.

1. I'm running late.


1. I'm running late.

This is the most direct way to express that you are about to be late.

2. I'm about to be late.


2. I'm about to be late.

This phrase is a bit more polite and also indicates that you are about to be late.

3. I'm afraid I'm going to be late.


3. I'm afraid I'm going to be late.

Use this expression when you anticipate that you might be late, as it conveys a sense of apology.

4. I'm on my way, but I might be a bit late.


4. I'm on my way, but I might be a bit late.

Use this phrase when you are already on your way to the destination but expect to be late.

5. I'm sorry, but I can't make it on time.


5. I'm sorry, but I can't make it on time.

If you know you won't be able to arrive on time, use this expression, which is more formal and includes an apology.

6. I'm stuck in traffic and will be late.


6. I'm stuck in traffic and will be late.

This phrase is very appropriate when you are late due to traffic congestion.

7. The meeting will have to start without me; I'm delayed.


7. The meeting will have to start without me; I'm delayed.

Use this expression if you are delayed and unable to attend a meeting or event on time.




Understanding these expressions can help you communicate more smoothly with English speakers, especially when you are in a time crunch. Remember to choose the appropriate expression based on the context to make your communication more effective.


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