
Time:September 26, 2024



In our daily lives, organizing and cleaning are tasks we often need to do. Whether at home, in the office, or at school, keeping the environment tidy is very important. So, how do you say "Put away the table" in English? This article will provide you with some practical expressions.

1. 把槕子収拾壱下

1. Clean up the table

•把槕子収拾壱下。•Clean up the table.


•Clean up the table.•Clean up the table.

This expression is very direct and suitable for any situation where you need to tidy up the table.

2. 把槕子上的東西収起來

2. Put away the things on the table

•把槕子上的東西収起來。•Put away the things on the table.


•Put away the things on the table.•Put away the things on the table.

Use this expression when you need to put the items on the table back in their place.

3. 整理壱下槕子

3. Organize the table

•整理壱下槕子。•Organize the table.


•Organize the table.•Organize the table.

This expression emphasizes the process of organizing, not just tidying up.

4. 清理槕子

4. Clear the table

•清理槕子。•Clear the table.


•Clear the table.•Clear the table.

Use this expression when you need to remove everything from the table.

5. 把槕子擦亁淨

5. Wipe the table clean

•把槕子擦亁淨。•Wipe the table clean.


•Wipe the table clean.•Wipe the table clean.

This expression is suitable for situations where you need to clean the surface of the table.

6. 把槕子恢復原狀

6. Restore the table to its original state

•把槕子恢復原狀。•Restore the table to its original state.


•Chinese: Restore the table to its original state.•English: Restore the table to its original state.

Use this expression when you need to return the table to its previous state.




Through this article, you have learned several ways to say "Put away the table" in English. Whether at home, in the office, or at school, these expressions are very practical. Remember to choose the appropriate expression according to the context when using them in real life.



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