In the Warring States period, there was a scholar-official named Zou Ji in the State of Qi. He was extremely handsome. However, when compared with Xu Gong, a famous handsome man in the State of Qi, he lacked confidence in his own appearance and didn't know who was superior.
For this reason, he asked his wife, concubine, and a visiting guest in succession. As a result, all three of them unanimously believed that Zou Ji was more handsome than Xu Gong. But after a few days, when Zou Ji saw Xu Gong who came to visit, he realized that he was not as handsome as Xu Gong at all.
So, he thought to himself, "My wife is because she loves me, my concubine is because she fears me, and the guest is because he has something to ask of me. That's why they said so. In fact, where can I be compared to Xu Gong!"
The next day during the morning court, Zou Ji told King Wei of Qi about his being deceived and advised, "Now the State of Qi is vast and rich in resources. The king has contact with far more people than I do. Certainly, he will also be deceived to some extent. If the king can sincerely solicit opinions, it will definitely be beneficial to the country." The king thought what Zou Ji said was extremely reasonable. Immediately, he issued an order: "No matter who can point out my mistakes to my face will be given a top reward; those who admonish me by presenting memorials will be given a medium reward; and those who discuss me in the market and the news reaches me will be given a lower reward!" Once the order was given, all the ministers vied with each other to present their remonstrances. The scene was extremely lively and there was a continuous flow. The entrance to the court was as bustling as a marketplace every day.
次日早朝旹,鄒忌便將自己受懞蔽的事情講給齊威王聼,並勸諫道:“如今齊囯地大物愽,大王所接觸的人遠比我多,肎定也會受到壱些懞蔽。若大王能夠開誠佈公地徵求意見,必定對囯傢大有裨益。” 齊王覺得鄒忌所言極是,隨卽下令:“不論是誰,能噹靣指齣我的過失,給予上賞;上奏章規勸我的,給予中賞;在街市中議論我並傳入我耳中的,給予下賞!” 命令壱經下迖,羣臣紛紛爭相進諫,場靣熱閙非凣,川流不息,朝廷門口每天都如衕集市壱般熱閙。