20 States With the Best Commutes in America
Driving across town can be difficult, especially during rush hour traffic. Unfortunately, it is a part of daily life in America as people travel to and from work often. The time for travel usually occurs in the morning and afternoon hours. Therefore, traffic builds up as people are driving at the same time.
Many states in the union have numerous traffic issues. Ultimately, you will see this in big cities like Los Angeles, Miami, New York, and Chicago. But there are also many states that have great commutes, even in their biggest cities, which can include as many as 500,000 people.
Data Commons conducted a study on the best commutes in America to determine how long it took people to get from one point to another in their respective states. Ultimately, you will not see California or New York on this list. Those two states are among the worst commutes in America. Instead, we will share the best states in the country when it comes to driving time.
20. Nevada 32.1 Minutes
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Nevada has two major cities that get any sort of traction, which can cause traffic. Ultimately, the first city is Las Vegas.
The Interstate-15 freeway from California through Utah also passes through Las Vegas. The traffic to get through Las Vegas often takes motorists twice as long during rush hour. Other circumstances can cause major traffic headaches in Las Vegas, such as the Formula 1 Las Vegas Grand Prix racing event that is taking place in Vegas from November 16 to November 18. Moreover, the Las Vegas Strip experiences tons of traffic throughout the day, and even more so when the Vegas Golden Knights and Las Vegas Raiders are playing games.
Construction around the Las Vegas Strip can also cause traffic to back up. Hence, the state would likely have a better spot on this list if you did not count Las Vegas.
Lake Tahoe has some traffic around the Nevada side of the casinos. However, it does not clog up as much as its sister city in Vegas or Reno. The traffic in Reno is moderate, as there are some clogs through the casinos. Otherwise, getting from one spot to the other does not take long.
Nevada does not have many other areas with massive traffic. The Nevada Dot is the place to check all information for the best traffic results in Nevada.
19. Utah 30.5 Minutes
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Utah does not experience much traffic unless a Utah Jazz basketball game is going on. Otherwise, it is a simple state with simplistic roads that don’t garner much traffic or commerce. There are not many people passing through unless rush hour strikes.
The one exception to this rule occurs every January when the Sundance Film Festival is going on. Ultimately, approximately 86,000 people congregate every January in Park City, Utah, to watch some up-and-coming independent films arriving at a small theatre near them. This is the exception to the rule, as the state experiences very little activity through cars or trucks passing by.
18. Mississippi 30 Minutes
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The scenery in Mississippi is surreal. Ultimately, you are more likely to see traffic on the river than on the streets in Mississippi. But the state does experience some traffic. Therefore, it is always best to check the Mississippi Department of Transportation for all the best information.
The only traffic you might encounter in Mississippi will occur in Jackson. Significantly, the drive from Jackson to Pearl might take you an extra five minutes during rush hour traffic. But it is a negligible difference compared to some of the worst driving states. Therefore, Mississippi continues to have one of the best commutes in America.
17. Iowa 28.7 Minutes
©Jacob Boomsma/Shutterstock.com
The traffic in Iowa is minimal. Thus, the only traffic you might encounter will probably take place in Des Moines. The traffic mainly hits during rush hour traffic, which can take a driver approximately 15-20 minutes extra to get to where they need to go.
The traffic in Des Moises usually occurs from 7-8 a.m. and 4:30-6 p.m. Otherwise, the traffic in Des Moines is minimal, like the rest of the state. It is why Iowa has one of the best commutes in America.
16. Kansas 26 Minutes
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The thing you will see the most in Kansas is farmland. Yes, you will see plenty of farms as you make your endeavors through this midwest state. But there are some pockets where you might see some traffic. Also, severe weather events, like tornados, might cause traffic to back up if there is a mass evacuation. But the state rarely encounters that issue.
Wichita is the largest city in the state, with a population of 395,699. Ideally, they are the only city that experiences any major traffic. Access Wichita is the system that the city uses to let the public know when there are any traffic issues. Furthermore, it allows motorists to let the public know if there is an issue with the road, such as a traffic hazard or accident, or any closures. The city generally averages 3.34 minutes of total commute time.
The rest of the state does not have much of an issue with traffic. Ultimately, there are five cities with over 100,000 people in them. It makes the traffic much easier to endure.
15. New Mexico 18.75 Minutes
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There are two major cities in New Mexico that might get some traffic. Significantly, Santa Fe and Albuquerque are among the two most populated cities in the state.
Santa Fe has a population of 88,000 people while Albuquerque has 570,000. Amazingly, commute times in Santa Fe are quick with an average of less than one minute. The commute time in Albuquerque averages around 18 minutes. Amazingly, despite having over half a million people, it does not take long to get from one spot to the other.
Most of the state is comprised of desert roads, with a couple lanes on each side. Therefore, it is not surprising to know that New Mexico has one of the best commutes in America.
14. Nebraska 17.75 Minutes
©Jacob Boomsma/Shutterstock.com
The state of Nebraska does not get much traffic flow throughout any of its cities. Amazingly, their biggest city is Lincoln, with a population of 290,000. Yet, it still takes an average time of 2.73 minutes to get from one spot to the other in the city.
Nebraska has a lot of prairies and land area. Therefore, it does not get many cars going to and from work. It continues to make Nebraska one of the best commutes in America.
13. West Virginia 17.7 Minutes
©G. Edward Johnson, CC BY 4.0
Whether it’s the Blue Ridge Mountains or the Shenandoah River, the country roads in West Virginia barely get much traction to qualify it as high-volume traffic. The biggest city in the state is Charleston, with 49,000 people. Yet, the city barely averages less than a minute of traffic commuting time.
West Virginia is a mountain state with not many motorists going to and from their workplaces. Instead, it’s mainly people traveling from one town to the other to collect supplies on most days. It is why West Virginia has one of the best commutes in the country.
12. Hawaii 17.6 Minutes
You would think a big island with not many roads would have tons of traffic. Ultimately, there will be some traffic during emergencies or any large events. But the islands of Hawaii generally do not get much traffic. Overall, the state averages 17.6 minutes, while Honolulu averages 13.2.
There was a recent massive traffic event during the wildfires in Maui. Consequently, that was due more to an emergency situation where everyone was evacuating at the same time. It otherwise would not be the norm in Hawaii.
The only other time the state might experience an uptick in traffic is during the tourist season, which usually occurs between the summer months of June and September.
11. New Hampshire 17.5 Minutes
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The biggest city in New Hampshire is Manchester. Significantly, it takes 1.39 minutes on average to get from one side to the other in Manchester. The state average is around 17 minutes.
The state generally is more about wildlife, mountains, state parks, and maple syrup. Instead of fighting through traffic, you are more likely to see a White-tail deer or a moose. New Hampshire is one of the best states in the country when it comes to traffic commutes.
10. Idaho 16.1 Minutes
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The commute time in Idaho is pretty light, even in its biggest city. Amazingly, the commute time in Boise is just 2.08 minutes. That is amazing for a city that has a population of 240,000. Additionally, the time in Meridian is 1.15 minutes.
Idaho is a potato state that also has gems. Therefore, you will not be seeing many people stuck in bad traffic on the way to work. The farmland and agriculture make Idaho one of the best commutes in America.
9. Maine 14.5 Minutes
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The home of Stephen King is also one of the best states in the union when it comes to traffic. Amazingly, the commute is so good that it averages less than a minute in Portland and Augusta, both of the bigger cities in the state.
But Maine has other things that make it special. Instead of enduring heavy traffic congestion, you will be more than likely to see a puffin when taking a marine tour on the water. Maine is a great state to live in if you wish to be away from the traffic.
8. Rhode Island 12.6 Mins
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Rhode Island is another state on the northeast that is more small town than anything. Hence, the state averages a staggering 12.6 minutes of commuting time. Even the biggest city, Providence, has a great commute time of 1.88 minutes.
Rhode Island is the smallest state in the union, according to RI Government. Therefore, you could logically drive through the state in less than an hour.
7. Delaware 10.8 Minutes
©Jacob Boomsma/Shutterstock.com
The state of Delaware is another small state that does not see much traction. Ultimately, the average time of commute in the state is 10.8 minutes. It also takes less than a minute to commute in Dover, which is the biggest city in the state.
Delaware comprises hills and forests in the south and beaches throughout the rest of the state. Therefore, you are more likely to see the state marine animal, a horseshoe crab, than to get stuck in traffic. It is also what makes Delaware one of the best commutes in America.
6. Montana 8.74 Minutes
Not many people drive frequently in Montana. Thus, you are hardly ever going to see any city in this town deal with traffic. Billings is the state capitol and barely averages less than a minute of commute time. Hence, Montana barely misses the top-5 list by a whisker but is still one of the best places in the country for people who dislike driving for a long time over a short distance.
The Office of Tourism helps visitors to the state understand all the things that visitors will experience instead of traffic. Namely, people who visit this state get to experience nature and may encounter several animals on hikes, including grizzly bears. The experience of nature is much better than spending an hour in traffic.
5. South Dakota 7.1 Minutes
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The first of the Dakotas to make this list, South Dakota is relatively tame when it comes to traffic. Amazingly, the state averages 7.1 minutes of commute time, which helps it rank fifth on our list. The biggest city is Sioux Falls, which has a population of 196,528. Furthermore, the average commute time in the city is 1.63 minutes.
The state does get plenty of visitors to Mount Rushmore in Black Hills. Yet, it also does not get much traffic, and everything flows smoothly. South Dakota has one of the smoothest commutes in the nation, and that is why it is fifth on this list.
4. Vermont 6.78 Minutes
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The state of Vermont ranks fourth on our list and does not have any high-traffic flow, averaging 6.78 minutes. The biggest city in the state is Burlington, which has a population of 44,781. Ultimately, it takes less than half a minute to travel from one point to another in the city.
Vermont is the Green Mountain State. Hence, you will more likely see mountainous regions and fresh farm food than any clogged highways. It is a rural state that has one of the best commutes in the United States.
3. North Dakota 6.69 Minutes
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When you go to North Dakota, you won’t be driving much. Instead, you will either be walking or staying in one spot. The state comprises of farmland, grassland, and mountainous regions. Thus, to get any food, you usually will travel to farms to get fresh products.
The state also has an incredibly low population density, with 774,928 people. Therefore, less people produces less traffic. It also does not hurt that North Dakota experiences colder temperatures for a good portion of the year. Subsequently, these factors make North Dakota one of the best commutes in America.
2. Alaska 6.32 Minutes
©Menno Schaefer/Shutterstock.com
We are at the second state on this list, and Alaska does not disappoint. Ultimately, you will see more national parks in this state than cars on the road. The biggest city, Juneau, has approximately 32,000 living in the state. Moreover, most people work in timber, fishing, mining, oil, and transportation industries.
Many people go to Alaska for adventure in the summer. Thus, they often get to see some of the animals that roam the state, such as the North American Black Bear. Alaska is a state of nature, with not many cars on the road. Therefore, it is the second-best state in the union when it comes to daily commutes.
1. Wyoming 4.75 Minutes
©Jacob Boomsma/Shutterstock.com
This is it. We are finally at the top state in the union in terms of commute time. Ultimately, there are numerous small cities in Wyoming. Many people move here for the tranquility of the state, with not many cars passing by. Amazingly, Wyoming averages an amazing 4.75 minutes in commute time.
Many people associate Wyoming with Yellowstone National Park. Significantly, the commute time in Yellowstone ranges between 5-9 minutes. The commute time around the national park likely increases the time traveled to a higher stat than the rest of the state. Therefore, Wyoming holds onto the top spot as the best state to drive without dealing with traffic.
Summary of the 20 States with the Best Commutes in America
Rank | State |
1. | Wyoming |
2. | Alaska |
3. | North Dakota |
4. | Vermont |
5. | South Dakota |
6 | Montana |
7. | Delaware |
8. | Rhode Island |
9. | Maine |
10. | Idaho |
11. | New Hampshire |
12. | Hawaii |
13. | West Virginia |
14. | Nebraska |
15. | New Mexico |
16. | Kansas |
17. | Iowa |
18. | Mississiippi |
19. | Utah |
20. | Nevada |