Watch a Snake Take on Two Lizards At The Same Time And Win
There’s too much truth in the saying “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” The brief clip below shows what a struggle between two geckos and a snake entails. It starts off with a terrifying scene of a snake that’s caught a gecko within its grasp, and things aren’t going well for the lizard. Not to worry though, as another brave gecko is on his way to save the day!
After a few failed attempts at biting the villainous serpent, he finally lands a blow with more than a bit of leverage. One quick nip on the snake’s midsection and a mighty swing later, the heroic gecko dislodges the slithery problem and they both go flying. Hopefully, the courageous lizard survived the fall – they’re more than equipped for that, in fact!
That said, let’s explore the surprisingly durable gecko and what remarkable talents they have in store.
How Rugged Are Gecko Lizards?
© Castillo
As many reptiles can boast, geckos are sturdy and adapt incredibly well to a variety of environments. Found across every continent except for Antarctica, these lizards have found ways to survive presumably since the age of dinosaurs. Armed with flexible skeletons, diverse camouflage, and versatile tails, these little guys could be called pro survivalists.
By the way, what makes the tail of the gecko so special? As many lizards do, geckos will shed their tail in order to save their life. This fantastic method of self-preservation is a behavior known as autotomy. This act, while painful in appearance, can release them from the clasps of a predator and also serve as a distraction. Oftentimes, the separated tails will still move about, opening a window of opportunity to escape from harm. Although handy, this instinctual defense was not needed in the footage we see below – the situation just didn’t call for it!
Do Gecko Lizards Make Good Pets?
Absolutely! Many reptile enthusiasts have found a special place in their hearts for these adorable creatures and for good reason. While they are not super social with their keepers, geckos are insatiably curious and love to explore. They can provide endless entertainment as they bumble about, and many eventually come around and do enjoy being handled. If a bumpy-skinned companion sounds like a fun idea, we recommend checking out our article on what to expect when adopting one!