See this Crocodile Snatch an Unlucky Wildebeest from a Herd Running Through a River
Wildebeest travel in great herds that can sometimes reach from 50 to the 1.5 million there are in the great wildebeest migration. As we can imagine, they come across many predators during their travels and must be on guard at all times. Let’s watch how guarded they are when they cross a river in Africa below.
Watch This Incredible Video Shown Below!
Crocodile and Wildebeest Sighting in Africa
The next YouTube video posted at the top of this blog post takes us to the Serengeti National Park located in Africa. In this national park, we will see famous African animals such as lions, leopards, elephants, buffalos, black rhinos, giraffes, gazelles, impalas, and topis, to name a few. This video was shared by a fan’s YouTube channel just four days ago and has already received over 2,000 views.
Crocodile Vs. Wildebeest Herd
©Johan Swanepoel/
At the start of this video posted at the top of this blog post, we see a herd of hundreds of wildebeest that are running through this river in Africa. Notice their formation of how they stay in line the entire run down the small hill, through the river, and up to the other side. Also, take note that they are not walking slowly; they are running as fast as they possibly can.
You might be wondering why they would feel the need to go that fast when all they are trying to do is get to the other side. After all, it’s not like there are predators chasing them from behind. Well, these wildebeest are experienced enough to know that it’s not about what is behind them that matters; it is about what lurks beneath the waters they are in that does.
Suddenly, at 46 seconds, the camera zooms in, and we are able to see a hungry Nile crocodile who is eagerly looking for one of these wildebeest to take under. All it takes is one wildebeest getting off their path, going too slow, or accidentally tripping up, and he’s got a meal. At 49 seconds, we see a wayward wildebeest that is off their path, and we see the crocodile go in slightly. We hear the screams of the people filming, but the crocodile doesn’t choose him.
The crocodile gets closer to the group, and he chooses one and goes in for the kill. It’s not as easy as it sounds, though. Taking down an animal of this size will be no easy undertaking. We see that by the end of this video, this crocodile still hasn’t completed the kill.
How Much Does a Wildebeest Weigh?
Wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) of the family Bovidae reside in Africa. These large mammals can weigh anywhere from 300-600 pounds and can reach anywhere between 4-5 feet in height. While this weight might sound impressive, it is nothing compared to the Nile crocodile.
The Nile crocodile weighs anywhere from 500-1,650 pounds and can reach up to 20 feet in length. However, while this Nile crocodile is literally over twice as big as a wildebeest is, it doesn’t mean taking down an animal of that size makes it any easier.