Is It Illegal to Keep a Hedgehog as a Pet in California?

Source:AZ Animals Time:October 23, 2023

Hedgehogs are irresistible, with their cute faces and round little bodies covered with quills. They may seem like they would be fun as pets. But you’ll need to think twice before you get a hedgehog if you live in certain states. Here is the answer to whether hedgehogs are illegal in California and other states.

They’re Illegal in This State

Is It Illegal to Keep a Hedgehog as a Pet in California?

Hedgehogs are cuties, but if you live in California and some other states, they can’t be a pet.

©Anne Coatesy/iStock via Getty Images

If you live in California and want a hedgehog as a pet, think again. The definitive answer is that hedgehogs are illegal in California. This state has outlawed hedgehogs for a few reasons.

California declares that all 17 species of hedgehogs are illegal to own as pets in the state because they may become pests if they are introduced into the wild, where they don’t naturally live.

Additionally, California notes that once you allow one non-native animal like a hedgehog to be kept as a pet, there could be additional requests for other animals that could affect the diversity of the state’s wildlife. In other words, it’s better not to allow any non-native animals as pets.

What Happens If You Own One?

Is It Illegal to Keep a Hedgehog as a Pet in California?

Owning a hedgehog in California can cost you big bucks if you’re caught.


To keep a hedgehog in California, you must get a permit, but it’s difficult to get one. The state may sometimes allow owning a hedgehog for teaching and educational purposes, but not always. That said, if you are caught with a hedgehog as a pet in California, you risk a fine of $500 minimum as it’s viewed as a criminal misdemeanor. You’ll also have the pet taken away and be in charge of all costs for its removal.

Where Else Are Hedgehogs Illegal?

Is It Illegal to Keep a Hedgehog as a Pet in California?

Hedgehogs can’t be owned in a handful of states.

©luamduan/iStock via Getty Images

Hedgehogs are illegal in a number of states besides California. You can’t keep these quilled cuties as a pet in the following states: Georgia, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia, and the five boroughs of New York City. All other states do allow hedgehogs to be kept as pets.

What Other Animals Are Illegal in California?

Is It Illegal to Keep a Hedgehog as a Pet in California?

Sugar Gliders aren’t allowed as pets in California.


The state has a long list of animals that aren’t allowed to be kept as pets. Besides hedgehogs, these animals are also restricted: Gerbils, Degus, Prairie Dogs, Sugar Gliders, fur ranch foxes, monkeys, and Quaker Parakeets. Owning any of these animals in the state is a potential misdemeanor.


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