Massive Crane Knocks On the Door of Her Human Best Friend to Introduce Her Babies

Source:AZ Animals Time:October 26, 2023

While sandhill cranes may be known for the incredibly loud noise that they make and for their ability to slow traffic down, we also see that they have learned something new. They are now knocking on people’s doors! If you don’t believe us, just click on the video below to see!

Watch This Incredible Video Shown Below!

Sandhill Crane Sighting

The next hilarious YouTube video posted at the top of this blog post shows us footage of a sandhill crane. This video went viral, and The Dodo YouTube page caught wind of it and shared it on their page. To date, this video has received more than five million views in just the few weeks that it has been up. They share a short snippet of what happens in the video below.

“Crane knocks on his human best friend’s door every day — then he introduces his babies to her and teaches them how to knock!”

Sandhill Crane Knocking on Neighbor’s Door

Massive Crane Knocks On the Door of Her Human Best Friend to Introduce Her Babies

Sandhill cranes can live up to 20 years in the wild.

©Michael Chatt/

At the start of the video posted above, we see that there is a sandhill crane standing outside the door of this neighborhood home. There is a glass door, and so we are able to see through. The woman filming said, “This crane visits me every morning.” And then the crane proceeds to knock on her door multiple times! It’s as if this crane is saying, “I see you in there, answer!” She replies by saying, “Good morning to you too!”

She comically named this crane “Carl” because of how much he was coming around. Every morning, he will come by and knock on her door, and they will share some type of exchange. Then, at 51 seconds, we see that one day, he brought some friends with him. We hear the woman in the video name them Carl, Carla, and then Junior.

Then, throughout this video collage, she shares that she is able to watch Junior grow up. Carl has taught Junior the important things, such as pecking for food and, of course, knocking on the neighbor’s door.

Then Carl and Carla had two small chicks named Kevin and Kyle by this neighborhood-friendly lady. The crane’s parents proudly went to introduce them to her.

How Big Are Sandhill Cranes?

Sandhill cranes (A. canadensis) of the family Gruidae reside throughout Central America, North America, and Eurasia. These large birds weigh approximately 7.1-11 pounds and can reach 3-4 feet in height. They also have an impressive wingspan of 5.5 – 7.7. feet.

The U.S. National Park Service labels them as one of the largest birds. We would all do well to remember that these large birds seem to have no fear when it comes to being around humans. And so when you see these large birds in your yard or on the side of the road when you’re driving, just remember to have respect for these large animals and give them the space that they need.


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