Watch This Naughty Micro Pig Hilariously Roll Down a Hill Without Waking Up
Viewer discretion is advised for strong language. This micro pig has been caught sleeping off a hard night! Somehow, this little guy managed to eat some fermented corn without realizing that when corn ferments it produces alcohol. In fact, there is a drink called chicha which is a corn-based fermented beverage used in the Andean region, especially in Peru. This pig is pretty wasted and needs to sleep off his overindulgence. Hopefully, by the next day, he was feeling better but he may have had a headache bad enough to remind him not to do the same thing again!
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What Exactly Are Micro Pigs?
Micro pigs are also sometimes called mini pigs, pygmy pigs, or teacup pigs. They are simply small breeds of domestic pigs and are often Vietnamese potbelly pigs or Choctaw hogs. They were first developed in the USA in the 1940s. By the mid-1980s zoos were importing Vietnamese potbelly pigs. Soon private owners began to purchase them as pets.
Their sizes can be variable – weighing anything from 75 pounds up to 200 pounds. Some are kept as pets indoors and can even be taught to poop and pee in litter trays. In some areas of the US and Canada, there are laws controlling pet pigs. However, they have been used in animal-assisted therapies in hospitals, special-needs schools, and nursing homes.
Do Pigs Get Drunk?
In many ways, pigs are physiologically similar to humans. Therefore, alcohol affects them in a similar way to us. There are several reports of pigs getting into fermented grains that have turned to alcohol and suffering the consequences. Whilst at first this may look hilarious, it can actually be a life-threatening situation for the pigs. Another study found that pigs fed on the liquor leftovers of distillation were actually less stressed and produced better meat.
What Do Domestic Pigs Normally Eat?
Domestic pigs will eat just about anything that is placed in front of them. As is clearly illustrated by this clip, that is not always good for them!’ Pigs are omnivores and can eat both plant and animal material. They like to eat vegetables, fruit, and grains. These guys will also eat insects, eggs, and even small mammals!
On farms, pigs are fed a specially formulated diet of grains and cereals. This is normally a combination of corn, soybeans, barley, and wheat. Their diet is designed to make them put on weight quickly so that they can yield meat.
Foods that are not good for a pig’s health include chocolate, flaxseed, raw beans, acorns, and fermented corn that contains alcohol!