The Internet Is in Love With These Tiny Lion Cubs Pestering Their Father While He Tries to Nap
These two male lions are so done with babysitting the cubs! We may think that the lion clubs in this clip are absolutely adorable but the Dads have other opinions. In this gorgeous footage, two male lions are trying to take a nap, but they are being pestered by their cubs. The little lions use the adults as climbing frames and despite the fact that they have been pushed away several times, they persist in trying to play with their dads. In one part of the video, a lion cub is actually standing on top of his dad whilst the male lion quietly bares his teeth in annoyance. However, he can’t be bothered to get up! When the little cub is joined by several brothers and sisters, the male lion makes his feelings known!
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How Many Males Does a Lion Pride Have?
It looks as if this particular lion pride has at least two males associated with it. Lion prides are made up predominantly of females that are genetically related. It may be a single female and her offspring or there can be lion sisters and all of their children. Female lions stay within the pride for their entire lives.
Male association with lion prides, however, is not so permanent. Male lions stay with the pride for a few years and then they move on. Alternatively, they may be forcibly removed from their position by a younger, stronger male.
In general, it is easier for several males to protect the pride than a single lion. They are more able to fend off competitors for mating rights with the females. They are also able to work together to hunt larger animals such as buffalo. When a group of male lions join together it is called a coalition. The males may be related, for example, they may be brothers. However, coalitions can also be made up of unrelated male lions.
Do Male Lions Raise the Lion Cubs?
©Maggy Meyer/
As you can see in this clip, male lions tolerate the cubs but raising them is not their main job. The main task of the male lions is to patrol the exterior of the territory. Female lions tend to patrol the interior. Male lions also take the lead in hunting large prey. In return, they get the first go at eating the kill!
It is the female lions that take the lead in raising the cubs. All of the females work together to raise the cubs in a creche system. Often, they will synchronize their fertility so that they give birth at the same time.