What is a Stellium in Astrology?
A stellium is an element of astrology that occurs when someone has three or more planets in the same sign in their natal chart. Another, older word with the same meaning, is satellitium. Astrologers often refer to the Sun, Moon, and the dwarf planet Pluto as planets in astrological interpretations. So, those elements count as planets towards a stellium in astrology even if they are not considered planets in the scientific community. Astrological angles such as the ascendent or midheaven do not count towards a stellium. Asteroids like Chiron also do not count.
How Many Planets Can You Have in the Same Sign in Astrology?
It’s pretty common to have two planets in the same sign in astrology. As the number of planets goes up, the rarity increases. Three planets, the minimum for a stellium, four planets, and five planets in the same sign are rare but still common enough. According to one Redditor who did some serious research, there are very few opportunities for 6 planets in one sign, but it is possible. The researcher also searched for the seven planets from traditional astrology and found only a few dates from most of recorded history when a person could have had those seven planets in the same sign. If you were born on May 3, 2000, you may be one of those lucky few!
Stelliums and Conjunctions
Often, stelliums result in conjunctions, one of five major aspects in astrology. Aspects are different angles that form between the planets on the astrological chart wheel. Conjunctions occur when planets are within 10° of each other. The more on top of each other they are, the more exact and strong the conjunction is. Conjunctions are typically a positive aspect. The two planets involved in a conjunction support each other.
Does Everyone Have a Stellium?
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A stellium is one of a few somewhat rare aspects in astrology. Not everyone has one. More common configurations tend to include the Sun, Mercury, and Venus because they are always close together. These three planets can’t be more than two signs away from each other in a natal astrology chart. However, other stelliums are also possible. For example, both Saturn and Uranus were in Sagittarius from 1985-1988. So, anyone born for those three years with any other planet in Sagittarius has a stellium there.
Can You Have More Than One Stellium in Your Natal Chart?
Yes, it’s also rare, but you can have two stelliums in your birth chart. You may see this phenomenon referred to as stellia or stelliums.
What Does a Stellium Mean in Astrology?
What a stellium means exactly depends on the planets involved, the sign of the stellium, and the house(s) it is in. In general, a stellium will increase the qualities of the sign they are in, making those qualities even more recognizable in the person. However, it’s impossible to say exactly how this element will show up for someone, given that there are so many variables involved. Additionally, you would have to know more about how each of the planets in the stelliums interacts with the other planets in the chart.
Stelliums are generally considered positive. However, it all depends on which planets are involved. Some planets can add restrictive, angry, or otherwise challenging energy to more easeful planets. For example, those involving Mars, Saturn, or Pluto, may feel more difficult. Those involving the Sun, Moon, Venus, or Mercury may feel more easeful or flowing.
The house that a stellium occurs in is also important. The area of life that the house encompasses will be highlighted. If you have one in the 4th House, you’ll likely focus on the home and family. If you have one in the 11th House, you’ll probably focus more on groups, friendships, and community.
How to Tell If You Have a Stellium in Your Birth Chart
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There are plenty of free birth chart calculators online. However, it can be hard to interpret your own natal chart if you are not familiar with the topic. Working with a professional astrologer can help you figure out what is going on. They can also answer some of your specific questions about astrology, including whether or not you have a stellium in your chart.
While many astrology apps do not show more advanced astrology qualities such as aspect figures, most will show a stellium, although they may not point it out. All you need to check to determine if a stellium is present is to see if you have three or more planets in the same sign.