The Largest Tiger Shark Ever Caught in Maryland
Key Points
- On July 9, 1983, Grace Czerniak landed a 1,210-pound tiger shark off the coast of Ocean City, Maryland.
- The shark is on display in a glass case on the boardwalk of Ocean City.
- The largest tiger shark ever recorded was in 2004 and weighed 1,785 pounds.
Fishing is more than a fun recreational activity and a means of providing food and income to a family. It is a way of exploring a world humankind has not fully explored. Brave fishers take to the seas, cast their lines, and wait with sage-like patience for the slight tug on their lines to see what creatures are lurking below their boat.
Famous fishing stories are prevalent around the world. This is one of those stories of a lone woman’s struggle against a behemoth off the shores of a popular vacation destination in Maryland.
Preparing To Catch The Largest Tiger Shark
Grace Czerniak from Buffalo, New York, was another woman who enjoyed fishing. She planned a trip to Ocean City, Maryland, a well-known hot spot for fishing in the local bay and open ocean.
She chartered a voyage aboard the LISA with Captain Stuart Windsor and first mate Jim Liberto.
Catching The Largest Tiger Shark in Maryland
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That morning, Grace packed her gear with an 80-pound line and 5/8-inch stainless steel shank. She waited until they were 27 miles off the coast where the water was 22 fathoms (132 feet deep) before casting. Hooking the end with bait mackerel
While sailing on the ocean, she placed her bait mackerel on the hook and waited to test her luck on what she caught. The boat bobbed in the water, 27 miles off the coast, the water 22 fathoms (132 feet) deep.
It was not long until her line quickly tugged, and Grace felt she caught something big. She knew she caught a shark, but she was still unsure which. Many sharks lurk off the coast of Maryland, but this catch was big, strong, and not going down without a fight. Finally, after 3-1/2 hours of fighting, she hauled the leviathan tiger shark onto the desk of the LISA.
Recognizing the creature was too big for their onboard scale, Captain Windsor quickly set course for shore.
Weighing the Largest Tiger Shark
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Once ashore, other fishers and dock staff offered support but did not have a scale big enough to properly weigh the tiger shark. Everyone was in awe of its size, knowing this could be a new world record for the largest tiger shark captured in the world. Grace was excited, calling several locations for a scale to weigh her catch.
Finally, relief came when the Showell Poultry complex agreed to allow Grace to use their large scale to weigh her tiger shark. Using a pick-up truck, Grace hauled the shark to Showell, Maryland, and recorded her catch at 1,210 pounds.
Legal Shenanigans With World Record
Unfortunately, Grace’s hopes would quickly be dashed when she informed the International Game Fishing Association (IGFA) of her world record catch. The IGFA rejected Grace’s capture, stating she used an 80-pound line which is not suitable for world record fishing in the 37-kilogram class. Explaining the line is too strong to reel in large catches more easily.
Devastated, Grace took legal action against the duPont deNemours and Company, Inc. who manufactured the line. Grace and Captain Windsor demanded the company be held responsible for making fishing lines unfit for world record catches. She legally filed for action against the company on July 8, 1986, several years after the capture of the shark.
The duPont company defended itself, stating negligence on the plaintiff (Grace).
On May 27, 1987, courts favored the duPont company.
More information regarding the case, judgment, and appeal can be found here.
Legacy of the Shark
The famous tiger shark is located directly outside the Life-Saving Station Museum on the boardwalk.
©Alexander Briggs/
Today, the deceased tiger is on display in a glass case, resting on the Ocean City, Maryland boardwalk. The shark has an inscription commemorating Grace’s capture, with a photo of her during the weigh-in.
The Ocean City Life-Saving Station Museum oversees the care of the display and is located on the boardwalk near the shark.
Largest Tiger Shark Ever Recorded?
The largest tiger shark ever captured was in 2004 by Kevin Clapson off the coast of Australia. His tiger shark weighed 1,785 pounds.
What Sharks Live Near Ocean City, Maryland?
Ocean City, Maryland is a popular destination for fishing sharks like smooth dogfish, Atlantic sharp nose, tiger sharks, scalloped hammerheads, and sandbars.
Are Shark Sightings Common in Maryland?
Sharks can be sighted a few times a year off the coast of Maryland. The Ocean City Board is vigilant in informing vacationers when there are sharks in the area or near the bay to prevent accidental bites.
Is It Safe to Go in the Ocean or Bay in Ocean City, Maryland?
As long as families pay attention to their children, avoid wearing shiny objects in the water, and avoid swimming at dusk and dawn, then it is safe to swim in the ocean. However, swimmers must always be cautious and follow rules or restrictions set out by the Ocean City local authorities.