Discover 5 Amazing Types of Fish with Wings

Source:AZ Animals Time:November 8, 2023

Flying fish (family: Exocoetidae) are one of nature’s great marvels, captivating marine animal lovers for their spectacular feats above water. Flying fish inhabit the warm waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans, and they prefer open oceans near coral reefs. The flying fish family consists of 40 distinct species, each known for their unique pectoral fins that resemble wings. Fun fact: the flying fish is the national symbol of Barbados!

Additionally, this omnivore’s diet mainly consists of organisms like plankton, but they also eat small fish and crustaceans. During spawning season, flying fish gather by the millions towards the ocean’s surface, where the female releases her eggs that the male will fertilize. Then, she attaches her eggs to marine plants like seaweed, which acts as a flotation device to keep the eggs secure. Interestingly, flying fish babies are highly independent from birth. However, due to predation, they have a short lifespan of up to five years.

In contrast to popular belief, this family of ray-fin fish can’t actually fly. Instead, they generate enough speed (up to 35 miles per hour) to create momentum to propel out of the air. Once thrust into the air and above the ocean, flying fish then glide over distances of hundreds of feet. In a catch-22, flying fish often fall prey to predators like squid, birds, and porpoises, whether above or below the water. Just as they think their “flight” helped them evade a predator in the ocean, a bird swoops in and catches them in mid-air. These fascinating creatures come in various sizes, coupled with distinctive qualities. Read on to discover five types of fish with wings.

#1: California Flying Fish

Discover 5 Amazing Types of Fish with Wings

The California flying fish is a large subspecies that grows up to 19 inches long.

©Agami Photo Agency/

Natives of the western United States, California flying fish (Cheilopogon pinnatibarbatus californicus) are a subspecies of flying fish found in the Pacific Ocean. It possesses four wings and has enlarged pectoral and pelvic wings that help it propel in the air and evade marine predators. The California flying fish has a forked tail and large scales and can grow up to 19 inches long. It is the largest species in the flying fish family. In addition, the average length of their flight is 25 feet at about 5 feet in the air. Their natural predators include swordfish, tuna, marlin, and other large fish.

#2: Blue Flying Fish

Discover 5 Amazing Types of Fish with Wings

The blue flying fish are easily recognizable for their stunning blue hue.

©Daniel Huebner/

The blue flying fish (Exocoetus volitans) is a two-wing flyingfish native to tropical and subtropical oceans across the globe. They can grow up to 30 cm in length and are notable for their vibrant blue hue with silvery-white stomachs. Their pectoral fins and tail fins are a grayish color, while their other fins are colorless. Much like their relatives, they feed on plankton and crustaceans, and their natural predators include aquatic birds like gulls and massive fish like tuna and dolphinfish.

#3: Atlantic Flying Fish

Discover 5 Amazing Types of Fish with Wings

The Atlantic flying fish falls prey to dolphins, tuna, and swordfish.


The Atlantic flying fish (Cheilopogon melanurus) is known for its iridescent blue color. It is typically found in subtropical regions, such as the Gulf Stream, Caribbean Sea, South Brazil, and Africa, and thrives in medium-temperature waters. Some of the main predators of these creatures are dolphins, swordfish, and tuna. They primarily feed at night towards the surface of the water. Atlantic flying fish reach speeds of approximately 19 miles per hour and can glide up to 40 feet in the air.

#4: Yellow-wing Flyingfish

Discover 5 Amazing Types of Fish with Wings

The yellow-winged flying fish can be identified by its distinctive spots and clear dorsal fins.

©vanessa da costa/

The yellow-wing flyingfish (Cypselurus poeciliopterus), also known as the spotted flyingfish, is a medium-sized fish with small reddish-brown spots and transparent dorsal fins. Their pectoral fins are yellowish-brown with brown to black spots. They are a unique subspecies found in East Africa, Japan, and the eastern Indian Ocean.

#5: Blackwing Flyingfish

Discover 5 Amazing Types of Fish with Wings

Black-wing flyingfish have elongated bodies and grow up to 12 inches long.

©costas anton dumitrescu/

The black wing flyingfish (Hirundichthys rondeletii) is found throughout the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. They have elongated bodies and short snouts with a small mouth and visible teeth. Juveniles are about 2 inches long and eventually grow to approximately 12 inches as they mature.

Key Points:

  • Flying fish inhabit the warm waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.
  • Flying fish can’t actually fly. Instead, they generate enough speed to create momentum to propel out of the air.
  • These ray-finned fish are frequently targeted by predators such as squid, birds, and porpoises.
  • Flying fish have a short lifespan of up to five years.

The photo featured at the top of this post is © bowman


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