Witness the Strength of the King of the Jungle As He Drags His Food Back to His Territory
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Perhaps one of the most enjoyable old games we used to play as kids was tug of war. Okay, who are we kidding? We here at A-Z Animals are adults and we would love to have an in-office tug-of-war! Who said you have to be a kid to enjoy this game or even be a human? Let’s watch as the king of the jungle enters an epic battle of tug-of-war with a terrifying Nile crocodile.
Lion Vs. Crocodile in Tug of War
The YouTube video posted at the top of this blog post takes us to Africa. Where a lion and crocodile are refusing to give up this meal. The Wild Earth YouTube page filmed and shared this video with their 618,000 subscribers. This channel most recently shared footage of a massive elephant, a lion, and a beautiful leopard.
King of the Jungle Shows Off In Front of Crocodile
As the short YouTube video clip starts out above, we see a crocodile that is surfacing from the water. He has grabbed ahold of a wildebeest leg. On the other side of this prize is a lion who is determined not to lose this game.
What most likely happened before this video started was the lion found this wildebeest already dead and was eating it. And the crocodile being the sneaky fellow he is, leaped out of the water to grab hold. However, as we can see here this lion’s sheer will to keep his prize let him win this round.
What is a Crocodiles Bite Force?
Nile crocodiles can weigh up to 1,700 pounds.
©StuPorts/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images
According to Florida State University, saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) can have a bite force of 3,700 PSI (pounds per square inch.) The Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) has an even more impressive bite force of 5,000 PSI.
This bite force is incredibly strong and one that can put pretty much any other animal to shame. They are easily labeled as one of the top 10 animals with the strongest bite force in the world.
What is a Lions Bite Force?
Lions can weigh up to 550 pounds.
A lion’s (Panthera leo) bite force is approximately 650 PSI (pounds per square inch.) Which is even lower than that of their common enemy, the hyena which comes in with 1,100 PSI. And significantly lower than that of the crocodile.
So, this crocodile either let up this fight, or the lion used the strength of his body and the fact he was on higher ground to his advantage. Don’t ever underestimate the strength of the king of the jungle. Even against the fearsome Nile crocodile!