Pluto Enters Aquarius 2024: 3 Zodiac Signs Most Affected
One of the most important astrological transits will occur when Pluto enters Aquarius in 2024. Despite being the smallest celestial body in our solar system, Pluto plays a huge role in astrology. Known as the planet of destruction, transformation, and regeneration, Pluto enters Aquarius and the entire world will be affected.
But in what ways will we feel this astrological shift? Just how long will Pluto remain in Aquarius and how does this transit differ from others? Not only will we answer these questions today, but we will also provide horoscopes to every zodiac sign so that you can fully understand what this transit means for you.
But first, let’s discuss Pluto’s importance and the significance of it entering the zodiac sign of Aquarius.
Pluto Enters Aquarius on January 20th, 2024
Pluto represents destruction, while Aquarius represents societal innovation.
©NASA images/
On January 20th, 2024 at approximately 8 pm ET, Pluto enters the innovative and pragmatic sign of Aquarius. A slow-moving, generational planet, Pluto will remain in Aquarius until the year 2044, with a brief retrograde transit in the fall of 2024.
Unlike the personal planets (like Mercury, Venus, and Mars), Pluto affects society as a whole rather than your individual personality. Often misunderstood or ignored in birth chart interpretations, Pluto rules periods of time that involve chaos, destruction, and the breaking down of things that no longer serve us in order to make room for more aligning concepts.
For nearly two decades, Pluto has been in the restrictive, status-obsessed sign of Capricorn. As a whole, this transit represented the ambition and legacy of the few, those with power and wealth. As Pluto enters the more collective and humanitarian sign of Aquarius, our societal viewpoint will likely change dramatically!
But what other traits does Pluto adopt when found in the sign of Aquarius?
The Significance of Pluto Entering Aquarius
When Pluto enters Aquarius 2024, it brings with it themes of destruction and innovation.
©manpuku7/iStock via Getty Images
When Pluto enters Aquarius, the planet of transformative chaos adopts themes surrounding the 11th sign of the zodiac. Aquarius is a sign ruled by both Saturn and Uranus. Much like transformative Pluto, Aquarians have the traditional background of Saturn alongside the innovative aspects of Uranus.
Every Aquarius wants to do things differently or uniquely, breaking or reinventing the molds set by those who have come before. Pluto adopts the unique and innovative energy of Aquarius and asks all of us to question what truly matters to us, both personally and as a collective.
Aquarius represents the 11th astrological house of friendship and societal obligation. Humanitarian issues as well as new inventions are important aspects of Aquarius as well. When Pluto adopts the pragmatic and collective mentality of Aquarius, it will ask each and every one of us to embrace unconventionality.
This transit will likely involve the destruction and rebuilding of many systems, social concepts, and technological advancements with the greater good in mind. Pluto in Capricorn made the world feel as if status and restriction were the best means of living. But Pluto in Aquarius will ask the world if this is truly the best way for our societies to live!
Pluto Enters Aquarius 2024: Horoscopes for Your Zodiac Sign
The signs of Libra, Pisces and, naturally, Aquarius, will notice Pluto entering Aquarius most of all.
While generational, every zodiac sign will feel a call to action and a need to transform our own lives when Pluto enters Aquarius in 2024. And Libras, Aquarians, and Pisceans will feel this transit most of all! This tiny planet makes a huge impact– here’s how Pluto entering Aquarius will affect you.
Aries (March 21st – April 19th)
You so very often prefer to accomplish things alone, Aries. But Pluto entering Aquarius will bring about huge shifts in how you view your solitary place in the world. This decades-long transit has the potential to reinvent your community and sense of independence. Some of the best things we can accomplish in life aren’t accomplished alone. Remember to play nice and be open!
Taurus (April 20th – May 20th)
When Pluto enters Aquarius, you’ll notice your ambition more than anything, Taurus. Your identity and career will be brought into the spotlight. Navigating your professional opportunities over the next 20 years will be daunting and not without chaos. But how can you reinvent your vision of success to fit in with an ever-changing world? Reflect on how you wish to be perceived!
Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)
Take a close look at your personal philosophies when Pluto enters Aquarius, Gemini. Not only will this lengthy transit ask if your beliefs still ring true. It will also ask if you can strengthen your spirituality and philosophy in unconventional or unexpected ways. Remember your planetary ruler, Mercury, during this time. Communicate with the collective when you need advice!
Cancer (June 21st – July 22nd)
Introspection will be necessary during this transit, Cancer. Your sense of self may be tied to others now more than ever. But Pluto entering Aquarius will demand you let go of certain relationships or habits that prohibit your progress. Name the dreams you have been too scared to name. The next 20 years can help you see these dreams into reality if you’re ready!
Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
Ponder your connections currently, Leo. Pluto’s transit of Aquarius will ask you to reinvent your heart and closest relationships. While heartbreak is certainly possible during this destructive time, your friendships and community will feel stronger than ever. Notice those who make you feel most heard and aligned over the next two decades. These partnerships are vital!
Virgo (August 23rd – September 22nd)
Precise and consistent routines are your bread and butter, Virgo. But Pluto entering Aquarius will destroy some of your established systems. Rather than view this as a waste of your many efforts, concentrate on all of the ways you can reinvent or otherwise innovate your day-to-day, both practically and emotionally. Your strengths lie in your adaptable, useful skills!
Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)
Don’t fear confrontation during this transit, Libra. This is a huge ask, as you are the greatest peacekeeper of the zodiac. But Pluto’s transit of Aquarius will ask you to be an individual more than a collaborator, embracing your own sense of creation over the expectations of others. You are going to be deeply affected by this transit, and for the better!
Scorpio (October 23rd – November 21st)
How has your ancestry shaped you, Scorpio? This particular transit will have you contemplating your place in your family as well as the family you wish to create. Pluto entering Aquarius asks you to build a lasting, innovative foundation for both yourself and those you care for most. While the road may be bumpy, know that you have support from your community and loved ones!
Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)
When Pluto enters Aquarius, your self-expression will be reinvented, Sagittarius. This is something you’re familiar with, given your mutable nature. But how can your communication adapt to suit the whole rather than the individual? You will speak too bluntly and be met with frustrations during this time. But you have more than enough courage to overcome it!
Capricorn (December 22nd – January 19th)
As Pluto leaves your sign, Capricorn, let your inventive side take control. Your finances and stability will be important themes for you over the next two decades, though not in the way you expect. Remember how unique and unconventional Aquarius is. Embrace this energy in your effective, pragmatic way and build stability for yourself and the community you’re part of!
Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th)
No other sign is more affected by this transit than you, Aquarius. Pluto enters your very own sign and brings with it an alignment, but at a cost. Your identity and place in this world will be made clear unto you over the next 20 years, but only if you release your stubbornness. Remember your moral compass and healthy habits when the world proves difficult!
Pisces (February 19th – March 20th)
Your dreamy self will be greatly affected by this transit, Pisces. When Pluto enters Aquarius, it will ask you to identify the things you conceal from both yourself and others. Nothing is hidden from Pluto, both positive and negative. While your dreams and expectations will be altered for the better, know that self-reflection and letting go will be necessary during this lengthy time!
The photo featured at the top of this post is © Anna Mente/