Venus Square Aspects for Each Planet in the Natal Astrology Chart

Source:AZ Animals Time:January 23, 2024

When two planets in the 360° astrology chart are 90° apart, they are said to form a square. This is one of five major aspects in astrology. Squares create tension between the two bodies involved. They are often thought of as a negative thing. However, this tension, which can flare up at different times in someone’s life, often creates action that leads to progression along a path of healing or resolution.

According to some astrologers, a square involving Venus can be within 8° and still be considered a true square. Other astrologers hold different values for that orb, depending on the other planet involved. Still others allow for an orb of up to 10°.

Natal Venus Square Aspects in Astrology

In astrology, the planet Venus relates to love, relationships, beauty, creativity, and hedonism. When Venus forms a square to other planets in the chart, it affects the way you relate to, love, and appreciate other people. Your relationship with pleasure and creative output may also be affected.

Natal Venus Square Natal Sun

Venus Square Aspects for Each Planet in the Natal Astrology Chart

Venus can not be square to the Sun in a natal astrology chart.

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In any astrology chart, Venus is always within 47° of the Sun. So, the aspect of Venus square Sun is not possible in a natal chart. It is only possible in a synastry, transit, or composite chart.

Natal Venus Square Natal Moon

Venus Square Aspects for Each Planet in the Natal Astrology Chart

You may fear deeper connections with this aspect in your natal chart.

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When Venus squares the Moon in your natal astrology chart, what makes you feel emotionally safe and nurtured is often in tension with your desires for relationship and harmony. This can manifest in several ways. You may enter into relationships enthusiastically only to find you don’t receive the emotional satisfaction you thought you would and leave without trying to work on things. You may also fear that love will be so emotionally overwhelming for you that you avoid it entirely, preferring to keep to surface-level relationships.

Natal Venus Square Natal Mercury

Venus Square Aspects for Each Planet in the Natal Astrology Chart

Mercury cannot be square to Venus in a natal astrology chart.

©NASA images/

Mercury and Venus cannot be square to each other in a natal chart because the two planets are always within 72° of each other.

Natal Venus Square Natal Mars

Venus Square Aspects for Each Planet in the Natal Astrology Chart

What feels like a friendly debate for you may feel like a serious argument to your partner.

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With Mars, your passion and doingness in the world, square to Venus natally. You are a passionate person, but sometimes your passion can dominate a relationship. You enjoy competition and debate, but sometimes this can lead to miscommunication with others, especially in romance. Independence is important to you. You don’t like to compromise, which is a must in relationships. As you get older, you will learn how to be with both yourself and others in loving ways that also feel comfortable for you.

Natal Venus Square Natal Jupiter

Venus Square Aspects for Each Planet in the Natal Astrology Chart

You might love shopping with this placement natally.

©AaronAmat/iStock via Getty Images

When Venus is square to Jupiter in your natal astrology chart, you have big dreams for your relationships that are hard to achieve. You may get discouraged at different points in your life. You tend to do a lot of “future-tripping” when you get into a relationship, and your future visions with your partner may be grandiose and unrealistic. You can make promises in relationships that you can’t keep. Spending money excessively, especially on the pleasures of life, brings you joy. There’s nothing wrong with fun and pleasure, but finding more balance will bring you some security.

Natal Venus Square Natal Saturn

Venus Square Aspects for Each Planet in the Natal Astrology Chart

You may have a hard time letting someone into your life in a deeper way, but when you do, you will be committed.

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Saturn is a planet of restriction and boundaries. When it forms the tension of a square with Venus natally, you may feel very guarded when it comes to relationships. It’s possible that a childhood wounding or difficult first love may have made you put your guard up. You feel safest in predictable relationships that have reliable boundaries. When you get into a relationship, you are a very committed person. However, you may be delayed in relationships compared to your peers, until after your first Saturn return, around the age of 27.

Natal Venus Square Natal Uranus

Venus Square Aspects for Each Planet in the Natal Astrology Chart

You may be easily distracted in relationships, leading to sudden changes in your love life.

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When Venus squares Uranus natally, you may have “shiny” syndrome. You get into relationships with romantic ideas of someone, but then you quickly lose interest once the next “shiny” thing comes along, whether that is a new love interest or a new passion project. Additionally, you are most attracted to unconventional people and tend to place them on a pedestal until you realize they are a mere mortal. Both of these qualities can lead to sudden shifts in your romantic status.

Natal Venus Square Natal Neptune

Venus Square Aspects for Each Planet in the Natal Astrology Chart

With this placement in your chart, you may tend to ignore red flags in friendships and relationships.

©Yakov Oskanov/

With Venus square to Neptune in your natal astrology chart, you are probably quite idealistic especially when it comes to relationships. You have ideas about what romance and partnership should be like, but these ideas don’t always match the reality of the daily ins and outs of relationships. Be careful because you don’t see your partners fully. You tend to see them as you wish they were. It’s easy for you to ignore red flags.

Natal Venus Square Natal Pluto

Venus Square Aspects for Each Planet in the Natal Astrology Chart

You may have some rocky relationships but they are ultimately a positive transformational force in your life.


You have an intensity to your relationships with this aspect. Your relationships are a transformative force in your life, but these transformations are often challenging and disruptive to your life. However, they are ultimately for the best. To make these transformations easier, it’s important to get clear on what it is that you really want in relationships and be honest with others about what you are looking for.

Natal Venus Square Natal Chiron

Venus Square Aspects for Each Planet in the Natal Astrology Chart

With this aspect, you may find partners who trigger your original wounding from childhood.


When Venus is square to Chiron natally, your deepest wound is open and raw in the realm of relationships. It’s easy for partners to trigger your wounding, making for potentially hard relationships. You may also seek out people who reenact your original wounding. However, it also means that you have the ability to heal your wounding in relation to other people, especially in partnerships.

Natal Venus Square Natal Black Moon Lilith

Venus Square Aspects for Each Planet in the Natal Astrology Chart

As you mature you will get better at asking for what you need in a partnership.


There is tension between your shame, empowerment, and relationships with Black Moon Lilith squaring your Venus. You’re not always honest about what you want in relationships because you’re ashamed of your own needs. You may vacillate between periods of suppressing your needs and periods of being brazen with them. As you get older, you will find the balance of giving and receiving in relationships that will lead you to getting your needs met in a partnership.

Natal Venus Square Natal Ascendant

Venus Square Aspects for Each Planet in the Natal Astrology Chart

You may judge others harshly for how they look or behave.

©Deagreez/iStock via Getty Images

With natal Venus square natal Ascendant in your birth chart, you have a lovely sense of style. However, you desire perfection when it comes to beauty and outward appearances, including in social interactions. You may have social anxiety because of this. Conversely, you may judge others harshly when they don’t dress or act how you believe they should.

Natal Venus Square Natal North Node and South Node

Venus Square Aspects for Each Planet in the Natal Astrology Chart

You may find yourself comfortable but unhappy in relationships.

©Antonio Guillem/

When Venus is square one of your nodes, it is usually square to the other one as well. With this aspect, relationships may be a distraction from your life’s purpose. You may use relationships as a way to distract from personal growth. You may get trapped in something that feels very comfortable but isn’t serving you very well. As you progress on your path, you may learn to choose partners who challenge you more to help you along your journey, if you work on yourself.

Natal Venus Square Natal Midheaven

Venus Square Aspects for Each Planet in the Natal Astrology Chart

You may solely focus on your career and forgo relationships before realizing you’re out of balance.


With Venus square to your natal Midheaven, there is a tension between your relationships and your career and public image. Perhaps your relationships take away from your drive to succeed in your career. Or, your partner’s input into your career choices affects your self-esteem. You may focus solely on one or the other, only to realize many years later you want more balance in your life.

The photo featured at the top of this post is ©


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