What Kind of Dog Is Rex From 'Paw Patrol'? Breed Information, Pictures, and Facts

Source:AZ Animals Time:January 26, 2024

Paw Patrol is a popular children’s animated series that follows the heroic adventures of a young boy named Ryder and his unique canine team. Each dog has an exceptional skill set, allowing them to contribute to the Paw Patrol team in their own special way, including Rex. Brave and resourceful, Rex is a sweet pup who is always ready for adventure — especially if it involves Dinosaurs. But what kind of dog is Rex from Paw Patrol? Dive in and find out!

Who Is Rex?

What Kind of Dog Is Rex From 'Paw Patrol'? Breed Information, Pictures, and Facts

Rex has a specialized wheelchair that allows him to zoom around even though his back legs don’t work.


Rex is a very special pup who first made his appearance on Paw Patrol during season seven. He lives in Dino Wilds with his owner Dr. Tammy Turbot and her daughter, Taylor. In Dino Wilds, dinosaurs still live and roam about, and Rex can even speak dinosaur! This comes in handy with the Paw Patrol team, as Rex often serves as a translator. Rex loves dinosaurs and will do anything and everything to help them, especially when they are in trouble.

One of the things that makes Rex especially unique in Paw Patrol is that he cannot use his back legs to walk. Instead, he has a very high-tech doggie wheelchair that he uses to zoom around. Rex is a determined pup with a sweet personality and doesn’t let anything stop him from completing his missions.

What Kind of Dog Is Rex from Paw Patrol?

What Kind of Dog Is Rex From 'Paw Patrol'? Breed Information, Pictures, and Facts

Bernese mountain dogs have thick double coats.

©Kriste Sorokaite/iStock via Getty Images

Rex is a Bernese mountain dog. In Paw Patrol, he is portrayed with a black fur coat and white and brown markings around his paws, legs, and face, much like the real-life breed. Bernese mountain dogs have large bodies that are strong and built to work. They stand 23 to 27.5 inches tall at the shoulder and weigh 70 to 115 pounds. These strong pups originally come from the Swiss Alps, particularly in Bern, Switzerland. They served as farm dogs, guardians, herding dogs, and even draft animals for pulling carts.

Bernese Mountain Dog: Temperament and Behavior

What Kind of Dog Is Rex From 'Paw Patrol'? Breed Information, Pictures, and Facts

Bernese mountain dogs go through a seasonal shed twice a year.


Rex not only looks like a real-life Bernese mountain dog, but he also acts like one! Bernese mountain dogs are large, but they have a sweet nature and are very friendly. They are very loving and affectionate. Patient and calm, they generally do very well with children. They also do well with other dogs, but early socialization is important.

Bernese mountain dogs are intelligent and learn quickly, making them relatively easy to train. However, they have an independent streak and can be stubborn sometimes, so be sure to approach training with patience. Bernese mountain dogs are also sensitive and their feelings get hurt easily, so positive reinforcement is key.

In addition, early socialization is important. Bernese mountain dogs are not aggressive but they do have a strong protective instinct. They may bark at unfamiliar noises and people. These wonderful dogs develop strong bonds with their family members. However, some experience separation anxiety if left alone for too long.

Bernese mountain dogs are generally healthy but prone to hip and elbow dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy, and blood disorders. They also don’t live as long as some breeds, with an average lifespan of seven to 10 years. Although they are working dogs, Bernese mountain dogs don’t require intense exercise, although they still need daily activity. They love being outside but are typically quite happy as long as they are with their favorite humans.

The photo featured at the top of this post is © iStock.com/slowmotiongli


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