That Moment a Wild Boar Attacks a Man... And a Heroic Dog Saves Him
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While hunting is one of the most popular pastimes to take on, there can also be a great danger to hunting if you’re not careful. A hunter in Germany learned the hard way when a wild boar attacked him mid-hunt. Don’t miss this crazy attack and heroic save by a dog in the video above.
Hunter Gets Attacked By Wild Boar
The wild YouTube video captured at the top of this blog post takes us to Germany. The BS Action Channel YouTube page filmed and posted this video. Which has since gone viral with over three million views. This hunter is a forester and professional hunter who hunts with his dogs.
Dog Saves the Day
At the beginning of the video the video editor shares that in Germany when an animal is injured, by law hunters should seek them out. This is so that the game doesn’t suffer any more than it absolutely needs to. At 35 seconds, it is shared that in East Germany a wild boar had been reported as injured.
So one hunter got his gear and his bloodhound and they took to the forest to find this injured animal. At 38 seconds, we hear the sounds of the bloodhound announcing to the hunter that the wild boar has been found. The hunter rushes up to the scene. And suddenly, the boar charges straight at the man.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, “Feral swine are muscular and strong, and can run up to 30 miles per hour.” This boar’s charge had so much power that it knocked the hunter over and he fell to the ground.
Before any further harm could come to the man, the bloodhound intervened and engaged him in a fight so that he could get away. Once up on his feet, the hunter was able to subdue the boar by placing his knee on the wild boar’s side.
Do Wild Boar Attack Humans?
Wild boar are omnivore eaters that will feast on meat and plant matter.
It’s easy to see a video or hear a newscast of an animal attacking and assuming that is their nature. However, after careful research, we see that wild boar are not as aggressive as the video above shows.
According to the National Library of Medicine, “Attacks on humans by wild boar (Sus scrofa) are occasionally reported in rural areas of Turkey. While fatalities are rare, individuals may sustain significant soft tissue trauma.”
A wild boar can weigh up to 400 pounds and reach between 3-4 feet long. These stubby little creatures can cause serious damage in an attack with their bodies ramming at full speed. And while they don’t have the best eyesight, their strong snouts allow them to sniff out potential predators. As we can see from the video above, this wild boar had the perfect beeline toward this hunter.