Watch a Man's Surprising Reaction When He Rolls Up on One of the Rarest Snakes in the U.S.

Source:AZ Animals Time:11/10/2023

Have you ever found a natural wonder and gone absolutely head over heels in excitement? In the video below, we get to see one animal enthusiast’s version of just that. For context, he was venturing through the sandhills of Georgia, an area he’s intimately familiar with. Although he was about to cancel that day’s expedition due to poor weather, the unexpected happens. They spot nearby their vehicle an extremely rare sight – a snake that’s been silently disappearing throughout their range.

The rare critter in question here is the northern pine snake, a subspecies of the pine snake also known as the Pituophis melanoleucus. This uncommon serpent’s name means “black and white,” and is fittingly a description of their typical markings. In case you were wondering, these snakes are not venomous, but may still bite if provoked. The intrepid host in the below video admits he knew the risks and is aware of how to properly trail potentially dangerous animals.

Keep your eyes peeled as we hike into snake territory to learn more about these difficult-to-spot serpents!

Why Are Pine Snakes So Rare?

Watch a Man's Surprising Reaction When He Rolls Up on One of the Rarest Snakes in the U.S.

Pine snakes are extremely adapted diggers, and spend most of their time underground.

©Jay Ondreicka/

The endangerment status of these uncommon animals is quite controversial. While not assessed by the IUCN as in danger, they’re regularly seen as at risk in local jurisdictions. For example, Georgia legally protects them and feels their population has recently been in decline. West Virginia and Maryland, however, are not as lucky and identify the species as having gone extinct in their original habitats. Therefore, it’s no surprise that Georgia dedicates resources to conserving this fascinating snake. That way, it can be allowed to thrive naturally once more and still be around for future generations to enjoy.

Current research on these slippery fellows remains incomplete, and it’s not clear how many still exist in the wild. However, a multitude of States are devoted to saving this critter, so things can only look up for them going forward!

Do Pine Snakes Have Special Scales?

They do indeed! Pine snakes, and several other species, have a kind of scale known as “keeled.” This structure is basically a rougher, less shiny version of standard reptile scales. For animals that do have this unusual feature, several hypotheses exist to explain their purpose. One prominent thought is that the duller appearance allows for better camouflage in their environment. Another theory that relies on keeled scales being on the underside states that it adds more traction to a snake’s movements.

Watch and Catch the Hype


My encounter with the ghost of the sandhills…?? *IM A SEMIPROFESSIONAL TIK TOK! HARMLESS SNAKE*

♬ World’s Smallest Violin – AJR

Discover the "Monster" Snake 5X Bigger than an Anaconda

Every day A-Z Animals sends out some of the most incredible facts in the world from our free newsletter. Want to discover the 10 most beautiful snakes in the world, a "snake island" where you're never more than 3 feet from danger, or a "monster" snake 5X larger than an anaconda? Then sign up right now and you'll start receiving our daily newsletter absolutely free.


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