Sentences that no one knows are short and heartbreaking!

Published By:anonymous Posted On:28/09/2023

1、 A person, living in a city, thinking of someone, strolling alone in another city, going through thousands of years.

2、 Don't think too great of yourself. In other people's world, no matter how well you do, you are only a supporting role after all.


3、 He falls in love with you as quickly as he falls in love with others, and you always feel special.


4、 Those who have a heart are tired, while those who have no heart are indifferent. You always think too much when you are alone, and then inexplicably feel unhappy.


5、 Youth is an irreparable water that disappears at the fingertips in an instant. Waste with force, regret with force.


6、 Sometimes there is a feeling of powerlessness in my heart that I want to do something, but I can't do anything and I can't change anything, such as now.



7、 It's just that kind of gentleness, there's no reason to hug anymore.


8、 Many times, I would rather be misunderstood than explain. Believe it or not, it's between your thoughts. People who understand me don't need to explain.


9、 Waiting is not for you to come back, but to find an excuse not to leave.



10、 No one can accompany us to the end, even if we are distant, even if we leave, we must be grateful for their presence and accompany us through every moment of our lives.


11、 I want to express myself, but I cannot find the perfect vocabulary, leaving only endless silence.

十一、 想表达却找不到完美的词汇,只剩下无尽的沉默。

12、 A light sentence of longing carries a lot of sadness and happiness, and holding it will bring warmth.

十二、 轻描淡写的一句想念,承载着多少的心酸与幸福,抱一抱才会有温暖。


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