Express your sadness by saying it, feeling sad and piercing your heart, crying!

Published By:anonymous Posted On:28/09/2023

1、 Sadness is not because love is over, but because when everything is over, love is still there.

2、 Behind every relationship, there is a woman who is inexplicably heartbroken.


3、 The heart itself is not big, never carry too much burden. Yesterday's entanglement will only imprison today and tomorrow. In life, we must learn to release!




4、 The wounds left by time require time for quiet recuperation.


5、 Originally, loving someone is becoming a smoky and passionate person, and being willing to be a pair of smoky and vulgar people with them.

6、 The most frustrating thing in a relationship is not a quarrel or a cold war, but rather pretending not to care even when you clearly like it.



7、 You used to be what I wanted the most, but you never seemed to need me. I think that's why I gave up on you.


8、 We always say that time remains the same, but we don't know if it's still the same.


9、 You will find someone better than me, and I won't be so kind to anyone again.



10、 Don't be afraid of the long and winding road ahead, set out with dreams, be fearless, have no scruples, stick to yourself, walk along, and your life will be another brilliant scenery.


11、 Everyone has a shadow in their heart that they cannot walk out of, nor can others break in. I keep the deepest secrets there.

十一、 每个人的心里都有一片阴影,自己走不出来,别人也闯不进去,我把最深沉的秘密放在那里。

12、 Everyone has to go through the process of putting in their hearts and lungs, and then the result of tearing their hearts and lungs, and from then on, they will discover the benefits of being heartless and heartless.

十二、 每个人都要经历掏心掏肺付出,然后换来撕心裂肺的结果,从此以后就会发现没心没肺的好处。


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