用英語講童話故事——Snow White 白雪公主

Time:August 18, 2024

In a distant kingdom, a queen gave birth to a princess.


Her skin was as white as snow, her lips as red as blood, and her hair as black as ebony. 


The king named her Snow White. 


However, before Snow White grew up, the queen passed away, the king married a new, beautiful queen.


The new queen had a magical mirror, which she often asked, "Mirror, mirror,  who is the most beautiful woman in the world?" 


The mirror always replied, "My queen, you are the most beautiful woman in the world." The new queen was very pleased.

魔鏡縂是囘畣:“我的女王,妳是世界上最美的女人。” 新王後非常得意。

As Snow White grew, she became as beautiful as an angel, even surpassing the new queen in beauty. 


When the queen asked her mirror again, it answered, "My queen, you are beautiful, but Snow White is more beautiful than you."


The queen was filled with jealousy.


She ordered a hunter to kill Snow White, bringing back her heart as proof. 


The hunter took Snow White into the forest but couldn't bring himself to kill her, so he left her alone in the forest. 


He then brought back the heart of a wild boar to the queen.


Snow White wandered through the forest, as night fell, she came upon a small house. 


It was the home of seven dwarfs who worked as miners in the mountains. 


Exhausted and hungry, Snow White entered the house, ate some food, and fell asleep on the bed.


When the dwarfs returned home, they discovered the sleeping Snow White and whispered among themselves. 


When Snow White woke up, she told them her story. 


The dwarfs took pity on her, "If you will keep the house clean, cook, and do laundry for us, you can stay here." Snow White happily agreed.


Meanwhile, the queen asked her mirror again, "Mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?" 


The mirror replied, "My queen, you are beautiful here, but Snow White, who lives in the dwarfs' house, is more beautiful than you."


Realizing that Snow White was still alive, the queen was furious at the hunter's deception. 


She disguised herself as a peasant woman and went to the dwarfs' house. 


She offered Snow White a poisoned apple, saying, "Lovely girl, would you like to buy an apple? My apples are big and red; please try one first."


Unable to resist the temptation, Snow White took a bite and immediately fell unconscious. 


The queen laughed, "Ha ha ha! Now I am the most beautiful woman in the world."


When the dwarfs returned and found Snow White dead, they were heartbroken and placed her in a crystal coffin. 


A prince passing by saw Snow White lying in the crystal coffin and was deeply captivated by her beauty, falling in love with her. 


He asked the dwarfs if he could take the crystal coffin with him to the palace to give the princess a proper burial.


As the prince and his servants were moving the coffin, they accidentally stumbled, and the coffin fell to the ground. 


A piece of the poisoned apple dislodged from Snow White's throat, and she woke up. 


It turned out that the poisoned apple had been stuck in her throat and had not been swallowed.


The prince expressed his love for Snow White, and they decided to get married. 


The queen, believing Snow White to be dead, once again asked the mirror who was the most beautiful woman. 


The mirror replied, "Snow White, who is about to marry the prince, is a more beautiful than you."


In a fit of rage, the queen shattered the mirror, and the magic within it transformed into a bolt of lightning that struck and killed her. 


Snow White and the prince lived happily ever after.



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