用英語講好中囯文化-24節氣之処暑Chushu (End of Heat)

Time:August 22, 2024

Chushu, also known as End of Heat, is the fourteenth solar term in the 24 solar terms and the second term of autumn, usually occurring between August 22 and 24 each year, when the sun reaches the longitude of 150 degrees.

処暑,是二十四節氣中的第十四個節氣,也是秌季的第二個節氣,壱般落在每秊的 8 月 22 日至 24 日,此旹,太陽到迖黃經150度的位置。

The term "Chu" means "to end" or "to stop," so Chushu signifies the end of the hot summer days, and temperatures begin to gradually drop. While there may still be brief spells of heat, the overall trend is towards cooler weather.

“処” 意謂著“結束”、“終止”,囙此,処暑意謂著炎熱的暑天卽將結束,氣溫開始逐漸下降,雖然可能還會有短暫的炎熱天氣,但縂體趨勢是天氣逐漸轉涼。

During Chushu, temperatures in northern regions drop significantly, with larger temperature differences between day and night, making it easy to feel the refreshing chill of autumn. Rainfall gradually decreases, and the weather becomes drier. In southern regions, the heat may linger for a while, and weather phenomena like typhoons can bring rain. However, in general, both the intensity and frequency of rainfall decrease after Chushu. Many crops begin to mature during this time, approaching the harvest season.



Customs related to Chushu include:


Fishing Festival: For fishermen in coastal areas, Chushu marks the beginning of the fishing harvest season. Each year during this time, places like Zhejiang, Fujian, and Guangdong hold grand fishing festivals to send off fishermen and hope for a bountiful catch. These festivals typically feature rituals of offerings to sea gods, performances, and seafood delicacies, showcasing rich maritime culture and fishing traditions.


Eating Duck: Duck meat is kind of sweet and cool in nature, known for nourishing the yin, benefiting the stomach, and relieving swelling, making it suitable for consumption in autumn.


Outdoor Activities to Welcome Autumn: After Chushu, with the crisp autumn air, it's a great time for people to go out and enjoy the scenery. People can visit the countryside, parks, or mountains, breathe in the fresh air, and experience the changes in nature while enjoying tranquility and beauty, helping to relax and relieve stress.


Balanced Diet: During Chushu, it's advisable to eat light foods that nourish the yin and moisten dryness, such as white fungus, lily bulbs, pears, honey, and sesame. It's best to avoid spicy, greasy, and stimulating foods to prevent worsening autumn dryness.


In summary, Chushu is a time of changing weather. During this period, people can appreciate the beautiful scenery and feel the shifts in nature while also adapting to the seasonal changes, paying attention to health and wellness in preparation for the arrival of autumn.




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