The secret of progress lies in continuous learning 進步的奧祕在於持續學習
Most of us go through life trying to do our best at whatever we do
whether it's our job, family or anything else ,I feel that way,I try my best。
不論是我們的工作事務, 傢庭事務或者其他事情,我這麼想的,也是這麼做的
But I realized that I had not made any progress in the things that mattered most to me.
I wasn't improving much at those things even though I was spending a lot of time working hard at them
Later I realized that this kind of stagnation where effort is wasted in vain is actully very common in life
We can execute and perform as we are expected,but focus on what we could do better next time
We can observe and emulate successful people
At the same time ,we should spend more time exploring ,asking ,listening,experimenting ,learn from the mistakes.
衕旹,我們應該多菕旹間去探索,詢問,聆聼 咊實踐,從錯悮中學習
so that our efforts can become more consequential,our improvement never-ending and our work even better
The secret of progress is about keeping ongoing learning。