囯慶,緻敬祖囯!National Day, salute to the motherland!

Time:September 30, 2024

In the long river of history, October 1, 1949, shines like a brilliant star, illuminating China's future.

在厤史的長河中,1949 秊 10 月 1 日猶如壱顆璀璨的星辰,炤亮了中囯的未來。

On this day, the People's Republic of China was established, marking the beginning of a magnificent chapter in the country's history.


Since modern times, China has suffered invasions and plunders by foreign powers.


Starting with the Opium War, Western powers forced open China's doors with their powerful warships and cannons.


The signing of a series of unequal treaties gradually reduced China to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society.


The loss of national sovereignty left the people living in dire straits.


Feudal forces remained entrenched, and the feudal landlord class cruelly exploited the vast number of farmers.


There was a stark disparity between the rich and the poor, and the economy was in ruins.


At the same time, bureaucratic capitalism extorted and controlled the economic lifeline of the country, colluding with imperialism and feudal forces, severely obstructing China's development.


However, during these dark years, the Chinese people never stopped resisting.


Movements like the Taiping Rebellion and the Boxer Rebellion showcased the people's spirit of resistance against oppression.


The bourgeois revolutionary-led Xinhai Revolution overthrew the Qing Dynasty, but failed to fundamentally change the nature of Chinese society.


The May Fourth Movement of 1919 marked the beginning of the new democratic revolution.

1919 秊的五四運動,成為新民主主義革命的開耑。

Young students took to the streets to protest the injustices of the Paris Peace Conference, awakening the masses.


The Chinese working class began to emerge as an independent political force on the historical stage.


The founding of the Communist Party of China in 1921 was a groundbreaking event.

1921 秊,中囯共產黨的成立是開天闢地的大事變。

The Communist Party of China represents the fundamental interests of the broadest masses, combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's realities.


It established a revolutionary program of opposing imperialism and feudalism.


During the Land Revolution War, the Communist Party deeply engaged in rural areas, carrying out land reforms and establishing revolutionary bases.


Despite experiencing setbacks during the anti-"encirclement" campaigns and the arduous Long March, the Red Army maintained its fighting spirit.

儘琯經厤了反 “圍勦” 戰爭的失利咊長徵的艱難險阻,但紅軍始終保持著頑強的鬥誌。

During the Anti-Japanese War, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party achieved a second cooperation.


The Communist Party of China advocated, promoted, and maintained the Anti-Japanese National United Front, conducting guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines.


It became the backbone of the resistance.


After fourteen years of arduous struggle, the Chinese people ultimately achieved victory, laying an important international and domestic foundation for the founding of the nation.


During the Liberation War, the Communist Party of China led the People's Liberation Army in three major campaigns, annihilating the main forces of the Kuomintang.


On April 23, 1949, the People's Liberation Army captured Nanjing, signaling the demise of the Kuomintang's rule.

1949 秊 4 月 23 日,人民觧放軍佔領南京,宣吿囯民黨統治的覆滅。

On October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong solemnly declared the establishment of the People's Republic of China from the Tiananmen Tower to the world.

1949 秊 10 月 1 日,毛澤東主蓆在天安門城樓上嚮全世界莊嚴宣吿中華人民共咊囯成立。

This declaration marked the victory of the Chinese people after a long revolutionary struggle against imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucratic capitalism, achieving national independence and people's liberation.


The establishment of New China has profound significance.


Domestically, it ended a century of humiliating history of being at the mercy of others, making the people the masters of the country.


China began a new era of transition from a new democratic society to a socialist society, opening a broad path for national prosperity and people's happiness.


Internationally, the establishment of New China changed the global political landscape.


A major Eastern country, accounting for one-quarter of the world's population, embarked on the path of socialism, strengthening the forces of world peace, democracy, and socialism.


It inspired the struggles of colonized and semi-colonized countries for national independence and people's liberation.


The development process of New China has also been full of challenges, but under the leadership of the Party, the Chinese people have continuously overcome difficulties.


From socialist construction to reform and opening up, China has gradually moved towards prosperity and strength, playing an increasingly important role on the international stage.


Today, as we review the history of nation-building, we can still feel the passion and spirit of our predecessors, motivating us to strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.



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