Discover the Strongest Bird of Prey in the Entire World

Source:AZ Animals Time:October 18, 2023

Birds of prey are mighty, majestic, and intimidating creatures. They are known for their large size, swift speed, and sharp hunting skills. Eagles, the common name for species in the Accipitridae family, are among the largest and most powerful birds of prey. They are widespread, living on every continent except Antarctica. However, one mighty eagle from South America is the strongest bird of prey in the world. Let’s discover this incredible bird, including information about its size, diet, habitat, and conservation status.

The Strongest Bird of Prey

Discover the Strongest Bird of Prey in the Entire World

Harpy eagles have massive talons and incredible strength that allows them to prey on large animals.


Imagine a bird lifting two gallons of paint, each weighing 10 pounds. This amazing feat is possible for the harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja), the strongest bird of prey in the world. Harpy eagles can lift prey as heavy as their own body weight, up to 20 pounds!

Let’s explore how large these powerful eagles are and the surprising species they prey on.

Harpy Eagle Size

Like most species of eagles, female harpy eagles are much larger than males. An adult female harpy eagle weighs 13-20 pounds and has a wingspan of 5 feet 9 inches to 7 feet 4 inches. On the other hand, adult male harpy eagles weigh just 8-13 pounds. Overall, harpy eagles are one of the largest species of eagles in the world and also one of the largest birds of prey overall.

Perhaps even more impressive than their massive weight and wingspan, however, is their talon size. Harpy eagles have the largest talons of any eagle. Amazingly, their talons can even grow longer than a grizzly bear’s claws. The average talon length for adult females is 4.8 inches, and for adult males is 3.4 inches. These gigantic talons allow harpy eagles to grab some surprisingly large prey species.

Harpy Eagle Diet

Discover the Strongest Bird of Prey in the Entire World

Harpy eagles mainly hunt tree mammals but occasionally hunt ground mammals as well.


The harpy eagle is an apex predator, meaning it is not prey to any other animal. Like all eagle species, harpy eagles are carnivores. They have been documented to eat over 100 different animals, including some animals that are as heavy as they are!

The primary prey animals of the harpy eagle are tree mammals, especially sloths and monkeys. Harpy eagles eat both two-toed and three-toed sloths. Two-toed sloths can weigh up to 20 pounds, as much as an adult female harpy eagle. As for monkeys, harpy eagles eat a vast range of species including capuchin monkeys, howler monkeys, saki monkeys, spider monkeys, squirrel monkeys, and titi monkeys. Of these monkeys, one of the largest is the red-faced spider monkey. Adult males weigh around 20 pounds.

Harpy eagles will also hunt land mammals, including porcupines, tamanduas, and armadillos. They will even hunt the young of large land mammals such as peccaries and deer.

Harpy Eagle Habitat

Discover the Strongest Bird of Prey in the Entire World

The rainforests of Brazil are home to most of South America’s harpy eagles.


Harpy eagles are found in Central and South America, from Mexico to Argentina. Their primary habitat is the tropical rainforest. They mainly live, breed, and hunt in the emergent layer of the rainforest, which is the highest layer. Harpy eagles mainly hunt in the canopy but occasionally hunt on the ground as well.

Harpy Eagle Conservation

Despite their impressive strength, harpy eagles are not immune to the challenges all animals face to survive. In fact, harpy eagles are listed as Vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). According to the IUCN, harpy eagles face threats from agriculture, mining, logging, and fire. The IUCN also states that the number of harpy eagles in the world is around 100,000-250,000, and the population trend is decreasing.

Ongoing deforestation in Brazil, which is home to the most harpy eagles, is a major concern for the species. However, Brazil’s rate of deforestation dropped 66% from August 2022 to August 2023 due to new government policies. This is a massive win for eagle conservationists and indigenous tribes of the Amazon who have sought to limit deforestation. Additionally, Projeto Harpio (The Harpy Eagle Project), works to conserve harpy eagles in the Amazon and Atlantic Forests.


The harpy eagle is one of the largest and strongest birds of prey in the world. They live in the rainforests of Central and South America, where they primarily hunt tree and ground mammals. Harpy eagles are strong enough to lift prey as heavy as their body weight, up to 20 pounds! Some of their largest prey species are sloths and monkeys. Harpy eagles are not only one of the heaviest eagle species, but they also have the largest talons. Their massive talons, paired with their impressive overall strength, allow them to hunt large prey.

Harpy eagles are currently listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN. Conservation efforts in Central and South America are working to protect the species.


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