Watch a Clever Coyote Use Its Nose to Steal an Otter's Hard Earned Meal
This family of otters knows exactly where to find dinner. There is a river nearby kept open by the warmth of a geyser. Their fishing expedition is going well but someone else wants to get in on the action. A clever coyote has tracked the otters and is watching them as they dive for their meal. But otters have tactics to deal with this sort of situation!
One of them cleverly hides his fish under the ice to keep it safe from the potential thief. As the otter moves under the ice the coyote is on top of it, listening very carefully to the movements.
When the otter emerges minus the fish, the coyote knows exactly what has happened. The clever canine identifies some potential spots and dives at the ice to punch holes through it. After several unsuccessful attempts, he emerges with a huge trout. It’s a fantastic result for the coyote but very annoying for the otter!
Watch the Action Below
What Do Otters Normally Eat?
There are several different species of otters, but they all live near water and near a plentiful supply of food. The North American river otter is found in many areas of Canada and the United States. They are semi-aquatic mammals and, as you can see in this clip, they have long streamlined bodies and thick tapering tails which make them excellent swimmers. Otters are also able to close their nostrils when they are underwater.
These adaptions help them to catch their favorite meal which is fish. They also eat amphibians, turtles, crayfish, and crabs. However, otters will also catch some terrestrial mammals and have been seen eating both birds and bird’s eggs. Otters will also sometimes supplement their diet with aquatic plants.
They capture their prey in their mouth and usually eat it immediately unless they have to stash it to hide it from a coyote!
Do Coyotes Eat Otters?
©Frank Fichtmueller/
As well as eating the fish that otters catch, coyotes hunt and eat North American river otters. Other predators that the otters need to be wary of are bobcats, birds of prey, and alligators. Otters are pretty good at escaping the advances of these predators because they are very agile both in the water and on land. They are also very vigilant and constantly on the lookout for the presence of coyotes. In this clip, the otter was very aware that the coyote was nearby and tried to protect its meal without success!