Watch a Buffalo Approach a Lion Pride... And Immediately Run for the Hills Once He Sees Its Size
Buffalos often take a proactive approach when dealing with lions. They do not simply hang around and wait to be attacked. Buffalos have been seen actively charging at sleeping lion prides to drive them away. In this clip, a lone buffalo has spotted a lion pride and has decided that he doesn’t like the look of them! The pride is gathered around a carcass – they have obviously just eaten a large kill and are probably not that hungry. At first, the buffalo looks very confident and some of the lions move back. But then the herbivore realizes just how many lions are in the group and has a change of heart! He runs away but none of the lions can be bothered to follow him. Later we see them leave the kill site and head off to find some water to drink.
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Do Lions Normally Hunt Buffalos?
Yes, buffalos are one of the target prey species for lions but they are a challenge! Buffalos can seriously hurt or even kill a lion. The herbivores have sharp hooves, sharp horns, and tremendous weight and power. A strong adult buffalo can toss a lion in the air and trample it to death.
Therefore, lions usually work as a team to bring down buffalos and the strongest and largest lions lead the hunt. Males have a higher success rate than females.
Also, lions are more successful at hunting lone buffalos than those in a herd. Buffalos stick up for each other and will help out their herd mates if they are being attacked.
What Other Prey Do Lions Hunt?
Lions are carnivores and generalist hunters which means that they are not too fussy about which prey they catch and eat. They are basically opportunists and will catch whatever crosses their path – if they can!
Their prey also varies by location. Lions become experts at catching whatever prey species is most abundant in their particular area. Many of them target zebra, impala, and buffalo. Others can catch porcupines and many of them will catch smaller mammals to supplement larger kills. They have also been seen hunting domestic livestock, birds, fish, and reptiles. Lions will even eat termites!
They do not always hunt their own food. Some lion populations are accomplished scavengers and will steal prey from other predators.