Yes, Rabbits Can Eat Pineapple! But Follow These 3 Tips
Yes, you read that right. Not only are rabbits able to eat pineapple, it’s actually very healthy for them in moderation. Although your rabbit’s primary diet should consist of hay and vegetables, they can also partake in a nice fruit salad every so often! Here are three tips to keep in mind when feeding your rabbit pineapple.
1. Only Feed Your Rabbit Fresh Pineapple
Rabbits are social creatures. It is best to purchase two or more to ensure that they don’t become lonely.
©Camellia Vintage/
Although it might be a little more difficult, offering your rabbit fresh pineapple is important. Frozen, canned, or preserved pineapple won’t be as nutritious for your bunny. Both the fruit and the juice of pineapple have many digestive benefits for rabbits. It is not uncommon for rabbits to develop intestinal blockages, where hair and food get lodged in their GI tract. The enzymes in fresh fruit will help break down intestinal obstructions.
2. Incorporate Other Fruits in Addition to Pineapple
On average, rabbits live between 8 to 12 years.
©A S M Almas/iStock via Getty Images
Pineapple isn’t the only fruit that rabbits can take part in! According to the Rabbit Welfare Association, they are also perfectly capable of eating mangoes, watermelon, strawberries, and papaya. As long as you’re offering them tiny amounts, eating fruit can be a healthy choice for your rabbit’s diet. Each of these different fruits offers your rabbit different nutritional benefits, so why not make them a little fruit salad?
3. Offer Pineapple in Moderation
Your rabbit’s diet should be comprised of mostly high-quality hay and leafy greens.
As we stated above, a rabbit’s primary diet should be made up of hay and vegetables. Keep this in mind when feeding your rabbit pineapple, and don’t make it the majority of what they’re eating during the day. Instead of looking at this fruit as a meal for your rabbit, try to think of it as a sweet treat that they get to enjoy in addition to their basic needs. Offering your rabbit pineapple in moderation is beneficial for them, but letting them indulge in too much can be harmful.
Final Thoughts
In essence, rabbits are certainly able to eat pineapple, and it’s incredibly beneficial for their health. However, it is important to look at pineapple as a special treat instead of a staple food. Although it has digestive benefits and rabbits love the taste, hey and vegetables should make up the majority of your rabbit’s food intake. As long as you follow these tips, you have nothing to worry about when incorporating pineapple into your rabbit’s diet!
The photo featured at the top of this post is © Camellia Vintage/