This Man Comes Face to Face With a Charging Bear and Doesn't Run
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Bears are often feared because of their size. These animals are bigger, stronger, and faster than we are as humans. So, it is only right that we would have a healthy fear of them. But, as we know, most bears are not aggressive like the movies make them out to be. Most of the time if we merely leave them alone, they will leave us alone.
However, we would be remiss if we did not talk about the bears that do get angry. And a raging bear is something we should never wish to come across. Then yes all of our nightmare dreams of a bear chasing us would come true. Don’t miss this interaction with a raging bear in the video above.
Raging Brown Bear Sighted in Russia
As the video above starts out we see a hunter that came across a bear. The man hunting is speaking Russian so that is where we assume we are. The Hunting, Fishing, and Outdoors YouTube page shared this video with their 30,000 subscribers. Their videos are of moose, deer, and bear hunting.
How Fast Can a Bear Charge?
Bears are omnivores which will eat meat and plant matter.
©Steve Boice/
As the video above starts out we see a hunter with his gun in a dense forest all alone. Upon hitting play, we immediately hear the sounds of the hunter breathing heavily. It sounds as if he has been running or his heart rate has spiked. There is something clearly out there that he knows is a danger to him.
Suddenly, at 14 seconds, we see a massive brown bear emerge from the treeline up ahead and charge straight toward the hunter. Brown bears can run up to 35 miles per hour. It’s important to note that humans cannot outrun a bear. The hunter in the video above smartly knew this and stood there calling the bear’s bluff.
According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, “You can’t outrun a bear. Bears can run much faster than a sprinter and, like dogs, they will chase fleeing animals. A charging bear might come within a few feet before running off. It’s important to stand your ground.”
The bear continues to gain ground on the hunter. She’s bobbing and weaving in between the protection of the trees. The hunter knew that giving her space was exactly what she needed, and so he hung back.
At 40 seconds, we hear the hunter describe that there was a female bear up ahead with three cubs, and he decided not to shoot. We have to admit the hunter was wise to not only not run away but also not to shoot this protective mother. This is what ended up saving his life!