Couple avatar | I hope they can find their lost selves in the ocean of knowledge!

Published By:anonymous Posted On:08/10/2023

1、 Yesterday, a couple came over and asked me how to get to the hotel. Without hesitation, I pointed them the direction to Xinhua Bookstore, hoping that they could find their lost selves in the ocean of knowledge!


2、 Without a house and so ugly, how could you have the courage to go on a blind date. The guy said, 'I don't have one. My playmate has one, he's handsome, and he has two cars.'. The girl said, 'Okay!'! Quickly introduce it to me. The young man took out the chess behind him and said, 'Here you are. There are not enough left in my family, and there are still many left in my supermarket.'.


3、 I met a young couple arguing and the man said, 'I'm so kind to you, I wish I could give you all the delicious food. What about you?'? I wish I could finish all the delicious food.


4、 The most painful thing in the world is not when you are at the end of the earth and I am at the cape of the sea, but when I once held each other tightly, now I have to let go; The furthest distance in the world is not when we fall in love but cannot be together, but when I gaze deeply at you, you turn your back to me and gaze at him.


5、 I saw many couples dating for many years without getting married. Today, when I came home for dinner, my mind twitched and I asked my dad: Did my mom keep urging you to get married when you were dating my mom? Dad: Of course not your mother, it's you unlucky child


6、 The current Double Eleven is really a triple blow for single dogs: even if you're single, even if you don't have money, the holiday tailored for yourself has become a shopping festival for couples.


7、 Brother, when we come back from a blind date, how about I ask the other party? Dude: To have a figure, to have a face, to have a face, whatever you want... just didn't ask for my phone number.


8、 You will always meet someone who is just right for you. You don't have to compromise to be spoiled, fall in love, and have a tacit understanding. You have to wait—— Coincidentally


9、 A person's cultivation is not when they are calm, but when they are restless and restless; A person's rationality is not when the wind is calm, but when the voices are noisy; A person's compassion is not when they are condescending, but when they speak lightly; Respect between couples is not when there is leisure or leisure, but when there is a disagreement in opinions.


10、 Last night, I didn't come back until after playing with my friends at around 11 o'clock. I saw a familiar figure far away, and when I got closer, I realized it was my wife who was waiting for me at the door. I couldn't help feeling hot in my heart, but the stick in her hand made me feel a bit embarrassed. I proved a truth through practical actions: hitting is kissing, cursing is love, not hitting is cursing is not loving... My wife really loves me!



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Habitually looking up in a stubborn way, looking up at a sea of flowers. The place closest to happiness....
Write sentences that make you feel uncomfortable and painful, every sentence stings your heart!

Express your sadness by saying it, feeling sad and piercing your heart, crying!

Sadness is not because love is over, but because when everything is over, love is still there....
Express your sadness by saying it, feeling sad and piercing your heart, crying!

Sentences that make people feel sad and want to cry are heartbreaking!

A pair of shoes, when you first buy them, you have to squat down and wipe them clean even if you get a little dust. After wearing them for a long time, even if someone steps on them, you may rarely lower your head. Most people are like this, whether it's...
Sentences that make people feel sad and want to cry are heartbreaking!

Let's talk about it all coming to an end, it's heartbreaking, it's crying!

Silence is the answer, evasion is the answer, and no longer taking the initiative is the answer. In fact, you should have understood long ago....
Let's talk about it all coming to an end, it's heartbreaking, it's crying!

Sentences that no one knows are short and heartbreaking!

A person, living in a city, thinking of someone, strolling alone in another city, going through thousands of years....
Sentences that no one knows are short and heartbreaking!

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I am like a rainbow, and when I meet you, I know it. Interesting souls will eventually meet, before that, please strive to become a better self....
Let s talk about the mood of the circle of friends on Mid-Autumn Festival. Its very fashi

At the end of September, read your life motto every day and be open-minded for a lifetime!

You need to understand that even the hottest water will still cool, the fullest enthusiasm will still dissipate, and the person you love may leave. So you need to be obedient, grow up, no longer open your mouth, it will be a long time, and get used to pe...
At the end of September, read your life motto every day and be open-minded for a lifetime!
