How to cultivate bilingual babies? Command chapter
1. Please put your toys back in the toy box.
2. Can you please eat your vegetables?
3. It's time to brush your teeth before bed.
4. Please wash your hands before eating.
5. Can you help mommy set the table?
6. Please pick up your dirty clothes and put them in the laundry basket.
7. Can you bring mommy the red ball, please?
8. Please be careful when walking down the stairs.
9. Can you say "please" and "thank you"?
10. It's time to go to bed now, so please get into your pajamas.
11. Please sit still while I comb your hair.
12. Can you close the door behind you, please?
13. Please share your toys with your sibling or friend.
14. Can you help mommy clean up your room?
15. Please drink your milk to make your bones strong.
16. Can you find your shoes and put them on, please?
17. Please use your indoor voice instead of shouting.
18. Can you give daddy a big hug and kiss?
19. Please be gentle when petting the dog or cat.
20. Can you put on your jacket before we go outside?
21. Please wait for your turn when playing with others.
22. Can you throw the trash in the garbage can, please?
23. Please be careful when crossing the street.
24. Can you say "sorry" if you accidentally hurt someone?
25. Please use the potty when you need to go to the bathroom.
26. Can you help daddy water the plants, please?
27. Please sit properly in your chair during mealtime.
28. Can you help mommy sweep the floor, please?
29. Please listen to mommy and daddy's instructions.
30. Can you zip up your jacket by yourself, please?
31. Please hold my hand when we're crossing a busy street.
32. Can you put your plate in the sink after finishing your meal?
33. Please be kind and share your snacks with others.
34. Can you turn off the lights before leaving the room, please?
35. Please wait patiently while I tie your shoelaces.
36. Can you put your dirty socks in the laundry basket, please?
37. Please be gentle when touching fragile objects.
38. Can you put your crayons back in the box after coloring?
39. Please say "excuse me" if you need to interrupt a conversation.
40. Can you help mommy fold the clean laundry, please?
41. Please stay in sight when we're at the park or playground.
42. Can you hang your coat on the hook, please?
43. Please keep your play area tidy and organized.
44. Can you help mommy carry the groceries inside, please?
45. Please wait for mommy or daddy's permission before using electronics.
46. Can you wipe your mouth with a napkin after eating, please?
47. Please be patient while I tie your hair into a ponytail.
48. Can you put away your books after reading, please?
49. Please chew your food properly before swallowing.
50. Can you close the refrigerator door after getting what you need, please?
51. Please put the remote control back on the coffee table.
52. Can you keep your shoes organized in the shoe rack, please?
53. Please ask for help if something is too heavy for you to lift.
54. Can you turn off the faucet after washing your hands, please?
55. Please wait for mommy or daddy to open the door for you.
56. Can you hang up your towel after taking a bath, please?
57. Please use gentle hands when playing with the baby.
58. Can you clean up your spills with a paper towel, please?
59. Please wait for daddy to finish his call before speaking.
60. Can you put the lid back on the marker after coloring, please?
61. Please sit properly in the car seat and fasten your seatbelt.
62. Can you use a tissue when you need to blow your nose, please?
63. Please walk instead of running indoors to avoid accidents.
64. Can you greet guests with a smile and a handshake, please?
65. Please hang up your backpack on the hook when you come home.
66. Can you give your sibling a turn to play with the toy, please?
67. Please ask for permission before going into mommy and daddy's bedroom.
68. Can you put your dirty dishes in the dishwasher, please?
69. Please be kind to animals and never pull their tails.
70. Can you close the cabinet doors after getting what you need, please?
71. Please use your fork and spoon to eat, not your hands.
72. Can you wipe your feet on the doormat before entering the house, please?
73. Please raise your hand if you have something to say in class.
74. Can you stay seated during mealtime until everyone is finished, please?
75. Please use your inside voice when we're in a public place.
76. Can you bring mommy a diaper for your baby sibling, please?
77. Please help mommy and daddy put away the groceries.
78. Can you turn off the TV when you're done watching, please?
79. Please be respectful and listen when someone is speaking.
80. Can you put away your toys before bedtime, please?
81. Please walk instead of running in the hallway or on the stairs.
82. Can you say "I love you" to mommy and daddy, please?
83. Please put your dirty clothes in the hamper, not on the floor.
84. Can you say "please" when you want something, please?
85. Please hold onto mommy or daddy's hand when crossing the parking lot.
86. Can you close the drawer after getting what you need, please?
87. Please take turns when playing games with friends or siblings.
88. Can you apologize if you accidentally hurt someone's feelings, please?
89. Please use kind words and avoid saying mean things to others.
90. Can you hang up your wet towel after swimming, please?
91. Please be patient when waiting in line or waiting for your turn.
92. Can you clean up your spills with a paper towel, please?
93. Please try your best to eat all your food on your plate.
94. Can you give grandpa a big hug and kiss, please?
95. Please use your napkin to wipe your mouth instead of your shirt.
96. Can you put your dirty shoes on the shoe rack, please?
97. Please be careful when playing with sharp objects like scissors.
98. Can you say "please" when asking for something, please?
99. Please keep your hands to yourself and not touch things that don't belong to you.
100. Can you say "goodnight" to mommy and daddy before going to bed, please?