How to cultivate bilingual babies? Code of conduct
1. Say "please" when you want something from someone.
2. Say "thank you" when someone does something kind for you.
3. Wait for your turn when playing with others.
4. Share your toys with friends and siblings.
5. Say "excuse me" when you need to get someone's attention.
6. Use polite words like "excuse me" or "please" when asking for help.
7. Say "sorry" when you accidentally hurt someone or do something wrong.
8. Knock on the door before entering a room.
9. Use your indoor voice when you're inside the house or at school.
10. Cover your mouth with your elbow when you cough or sneeze.
11. Say "good morning" or "hello" when you see someone for the first time in the day.
12. Use kind words and not hurtful words when talking to others.
13. Take turns speaking and listen when others are talking.
14. Use utensils like a fork and spoon when eating.
15. Chew with your mouth closed and don't speak with food in your mouth.
16. Use a tissue or handkerchief to wipe your nose.
17. Say "goodbye" when it's time to leave.
18. Help clean up after playing with toys or eating.
19. Say "please" before interrupting a conversation.
20. Keep your hands to yourself and don't hit others.
21. If you accidentally bump into someone, say "excuse me."
22. Use words like "may I?" or "can I?" instead of just taking things.
23. Draw, color, or write on paper, not on walls or furniture.
24. Say "thank you" when receiving a gift, even if it's something you don't like.
25. Be patient when waiting for your turn in games or activities.
26. Respect others' personal space and don't invade it.
27. Use kind words like "you're welcome" when someone thanks you.
28. Say "please" and "thank you" to the bus driver or other transportation staff.
29. Hold the door open for others and let them go first.
30. Ask permission before taking something that belongs to someone else.
31. Say "excuse me" when you accidentally bump into someone.
32. Keep your voice down in quiet places like libraries or movie theaters.
33. Use kind words and compliments to make others feel good.
34. Say "good night" before going to bed.
35. Listen to your parents, teachers, and other adults.
36. Use a napkin to wipe your hands and mouth during meals.
37. Say "hello" or wave to people you know when you see them.
38. Share your snacks with friends if they don't have any.
39. Be gentle with pets and other animals.
40. Knock on the bathroom door before entering.
41. Raise your hand and wait to be called on in class.
42. Use polite words like "excuse me" or "pardon me" when interrupting someone.
43. Say "please" before asking for help or requesting something.
44. Use your words to express your feelings instead of hitting or kicking.
45. Apologize and make amends if you accidentally damage something.
46. Be respectful of others' belongings and ask before borrowing.
47. Say "thank you" when someone shares their things with you.
48. Take off your shoes before entering someone's home.
49. Say "I'm sorry" when you make a mistake.
50. Be patient and wait for your turn in line or on the playground.
51. Say "excuse me" if you need to pass by someone in a crowded area.
52. Say "yes, please" or "no, thank you" when offered something.
53. Use your manners when eating at the table, like using a napkin and not talking with your mouth full.
54. Say "goodbye" when leaving a friend's house or ending a conversation.
55. Share your thoughts and feelings respectfully without yelling or shouting.
56. Help clean up after meals or activities, even if it's not your mess.
57. Say "congratulations" when someone does well or accomplishes something.
58. Greet others with a smile and a friendly "hello" or "hi."
59. Say "please" and "thank you" when ordering food at a restaurant.
60. Hold the elevator door for others if they're coming in.
61. Say "bless you" when someone sneezes.
62. Use kind words to encourage and support others.
63. Follow directions given by parents, teachers, and other adults.
64. Use polite words like "excuse me" or "sorry" if you accidentally bump into someone.
65. Say "please" when asking for something, like a glass of water.
66. Be kind to others, even if they are different from you.
67. Pick up after yourself and keep your surroundings tidy.
68. Stand in line patiently and wait for your turn.
69. Say "good luck" to someone before a test or an important event.
70. Take care of books and return them on time to the library.
71. Say "please" and "thank you" to the cashier when paying for something.
72. Use kind words when describing others, focusing on their strengths instead of their weaknesses.
73. Wait for others to finish speaking before you share your thoughts.
74. Help with chores around the house without being asked.
75. Say "please" before getting up from the table during meals.
76. Use kind words like "excuse me" when trying to get someone's attention.
77. Say "thank you" when someone helps you, even with a small favor.
78. Use your words to express yourself instead of hitting or pushing.
79. Keep your belongings organized and put them away after using them.
80. Say "sorry" if you accidentally break something and offer to help fix or replace it.
81. Say "please" when asking for permission to do something.
82. Use your table manners, like eating with utensils and not talking with food in your mouth.
83. Say "goodbye" when leaving your grandparents' house or saying goodbye to a friend.
84. Help others carry heavy objects if you see they're struggling.
85. Say "excuse me" when you need to walk through a group of people.
86. Use polite words like "excuse me" when you need to interrupt someone who is talking.
87. Say "please" and "thank you" to the librarian when borrowing or returning books.
88. Hold the door open for someone coming in or out of a building.
89. Say "bless you" when someone sneezes.
90. Use kind words and compliments to make others feel good about themselves.
91. Take care of plants and animals in your environment.
92. Say "please" when asking for permission to use someone's things.
93. Use gentle touches when playing with younger children or pets.
94. Say "thank you" when receiving a gift, even if it's something small.
95. Share your knowledge and toys with others to promote friendship and cooperation.
96. Say "sorry" if you accidentally hurt someone's feelings, even if it wasn't intentional.
97. Use kind words when you're upset instead of yelling or throwing tantrums.
98. Say "please" and "thank you" to the bus driver when getting on or off the bus.
99. Be a good listener and give others your full attention when they're speaking to you.
100. Say "excuse me" if you need to leave a room during a conversation.