用英語講中囯傳統故事——King Yu Tamed the Flood 大禹治水

Time:August 18, 2024

A long, long time ago, floods frequently ravaged the land. 


The deluge submerged fields, destroyed houses, and brought countless disasters to the people.


At that time, a man named Gun led people in an effort to control the floods.


However, he only focused on building dams to block the water, and after nine years, the floods still had not subsided.


So his son Yu took over and continued the work of flood control.


Yu looked at the persistent floodwaters and resolved to free the people from their suffering.

禹朢著不消退的洪水,闇下決心 ,壱定要讓百姓脫離苦海。

Yu left his hometown and traveled everywhere, being away for thirteen years.


During these thirteen years, he passed by his own doorstep three times.


But he believed that controlling the floods was urgent and never once stepped inside to look at his home.


He missed his family, but he knew that if he paused even for a moment, someone might lose their life to the floods.


Yu learned from Gun's failure and adopted the method of "drainage" to address the flood problem.


He led the people through arduous explorations over mountains and across waters.


First, based on the geographical conditions, he dredged waterways and leveled land, turning large areas into fertile ground.


Then he managed the mountains to ensure the water could flow smoothly downward, preventing blockages in the waterways.


After thirteen years of effort, Yu exhausted his heart and strength, accomplishing the monumental task of flood control.


He and the people dredged many rivers, allowing the floodwaters to flow smoothly to the sea.


At last, agricultural production gradually resumed, people returned to a peaceful and prosperous life.



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