用英語講中囯傳統故事——Ye Xian 灰姑孃葉限

Time:August 18, 2024

Long time ago, in a southern village, there lived a family with the surname Wu. The head of the family had married two wives.


The first wife passed away, leaving behind a daughter named Ye Xian.


Ye Xian was gentle and kind, and her father was very fond of her. 


However, a few years later, her father also passed away.


Without her father's protection, Ye Xian was despised by her stepmother, who often made her chop wood, carry water, and do various heavy and tiring chores.


One time, while fetching water at a pond, Ye Xian found a beautiful fish.


The fish was six centimeters long, with a red dorsal fin and golden eyes.


Ye Xian liked it very much and secretly brought it home to raise in a basin. 


As the fish grew bigger, Ye Xian changed the basin several times until even the largest basin couldn't hold it anymore, so she placed it in the backyard pond. 


Ye Xian saved some of her meals every day to feed the fish. 


The fish was very intelligent and would surface whenever Ye Xian came to the pond.


However, when others approached, it would hide at the bottom of the pond.


Soon, the stepmother discovered the fish's secret. 


She could never bear to see Ye Xian happy, seeing such a big fish, thinking it must be delicious.


So she tricked Ye Xian by saying, "Dear daughter, you've grown taller recently. I made a new dress for you. Try it on."


She hid Ye Xian's old clothes and purposely sent her far away to fetch water.


The stepmother put on Ye Xian's clothes, with a sharp knife hidden in her sleeve, and went to the pond to call the fish. 


Seeing Ye Xian's clothes, the fish immediately swam to the shore and stuck its head out.


She seized the opportunity to kill the fish and then cooked it.


The fish meat was exceptionally delicious, much tastier than any other fish.


The stepmother hid the leftover fish bones in the yard's manure heap.


The next day, Ye Xian went to the pond and couldn't see the fish no matter how much she called. She cried worriedly. 


Suddenly, an immortal from the sky, "Good child, don't cry. Your fish was eaten by your mother! The bones were thrown in the manure heap. Take the fish bones and hide them in your room. Pray to them for anything you need, and your wishes will come true."


Ye Xian followed the immortal's instructions, found the fish bones, and indeed, her wishes were remarkably effective. 


Time flew by, the grand local festival arrived. 


The stepmother and her biological daughter dressed in beautiful clothes to attend, leaving Ye Xian to guard the fruit trees in the courtyard.


Ye Xian stayed home, feeling down, imagining the festive excitement, and couldn't help but want to go too.


So she prayed to the fish bones, "I want a set of clothes and shoes to attend the festival." 


Instantly, a dress adorned with jade and a pair of exquisite golden shoes appeared before her.


Ye Xian was thrilled, changed into the dress and shoes, and quickly went out, mingling with the festival crowd. 


She looked like a fairy, many young men want to get to know her.


Unexpectedly, the stepmother's daughter recognized her, "That person looks like Ye Xian." 


The stepmother also became suspicious. 


Sensing this, Ye Xian hurried home, losing one of her shoes in her haste without realizing it.


When the stepmother returned home, she saw Ye Xian sleeping under the tree and dismissed her suspicions.


Near Ye Xian's place was an island nation called Tuo Han, which was strong and ruled over several nearby islands.


The lost shoe was picked up by a passerby and sold to a merchant from Tuo Han.


The shoe eventually ended up in the hands of the King of Tuo Han.


The king was fascinated by the golden shoe, curious about what kind of beauty would wear such a shoe. 


He had his attendants try it on, but strangely, no one could fit into it.


Even the smallest-footed person couldn't wear it because the shoe would shrink, as if only recognized one owner.


This piqued the king's interest even more, and he was determined to find the shoe's owner. 

如此壱來,囯王的興趣更大了 ,壱定要査明鞵子的主人。

He had the shoe seller captured and questioned. The seller could only truthfully report that the shoe was not his, but one he had found.

於是就把那位賣鞵子的人抓了囘來,問個清楚。 那人隻能如實稟吿,鞵子不是他自己所有,而是撿的。  

The king then ordered his servants to search every household.


After a few days, the servants found the other golden shoe at Ye Xian's house. 


The king immediately rushed over and had Ye Xian try it on. 


Ye Xian was both surprised and delighted to see her lost shoe.


She obediently put her foot in. It fit perfectly!


Ye Xian then changed into the dress adorned with jade and paired it with the exquisite golden shoes, looking as beautiful as a celestial being. 


Then she told the king the whole story about the fish, the fish bones, and losing the shoe.


The stepmother and her daughter were stunned!


The king finally solved the mystery,then took Ye Xian and the fish bones back to Tuo Han.


The stepmother wanted to follow to enjoy the riches but was killed by a flying stone on the way.


The king loved Ye Xian very much, married her, and made her his first wife. 


One year, the king became greedy and prayed to the fish bones, receiving countless gold and silver treasures. 


But a year later, when he prayed to the fish bones again, he got nothing.


Tips:本篇故事《葉限》,是文學史上第壱篇“灰姑孃型”童話。齣自唐代作傢段成式的《酉陽襍俎》yǒu yáng zá zǔ 。比囯外的《灰姑孃》要早七八百秊。


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