
Time:July 29, 2024

大脑神经科学的研究表明: 大脑每天都在改变。 天生的智商水平,只是我们智商的起点。 我们的一生都有“重塑”大脑的机会。

Research in brain neuroscience has shown us that: The brain changes every day. The level of natural intelligence is only the starting point of our intelligence. We have the opportunity to "rewire" our brains throughout the whole life.  

脑科学家把脑细胞之间的接触称为“突触”。 脑细胞之间的互动越频繁, 突触就变得越强大, 就能够改善大脑的功能。

Brain scientists call the contacts between brain cells "synapses." The more brain cells interact with each other, The stronger the synapses become, Then we can improve the brain function.  

有两个行之有效的好习惯 可以快速重塑大脑:

一是学习新知识。 当我们学习新知时,要动用新的神经元,神经元要建立新的“突触”。 这一过程中,我们的大脑扩容了,智慧也随之增长。 比如,每天花上30分钟以上读书。

There are two proven habits that we can use to rewire our brains quickly:

One is to learn new knowledge. When we learn something new, we use new neurons, and neurons build new synapses. In the process, our brains expand, and so does our wisdom. For example, we spend more than 30 minutes reading books every day.  

二是有氧运动。 有氧运动能促进大脑中激素的释放, 这种营养因子就像滋养脑细胞的肥料,促进神经元树突的生长,并且增大轴突。 树突越多,轴突越大,我们就越聪明。 另外,有氧运动还会向大脑输送更多含氧的血液。 氧气有助于提高脑细胞的功能,让大脑变得更健康。

The second is aerobic exercise.

Aerobic exercise stimulates the release of hormones in the brain. This nutrient factor acts as a fertilizer for brain cells, promoting the growth of neuronal dendrites and enlarges axons. The more dendrites, the bigger the axon, and the smarter we are. In addition, aerobic exercise sends more oxygenated blood to the brain. Oxygen helps improve the function of brain cells and makes the brain healthier.  

所以,养成读书和运动的好习惯, 可以让我们更健康,更聪明!

So, let’s form the good habit of reading and exercising. We can be healthier and smarter!



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