用英语讲寓言故事——Farmer and Snake 农夫与蛇

Time:August 11, 2024


Farmer and Snake


This is a sad story, read below:


In the cold winter, a farmer found a frozen snake while walking in the field.


The snake almost lost its life signs and looked very pitiful.


The farmer felt pity and decided to save its life.


He carefully picked up the snake, put it in his coat, and warmed the snake with his body temperature, hoping to revive it.


Soon, the snake gradually woke up in the farmer's arms.


However, just after the snake fully recovered, it suddenly turned around and bit the farmer.


The farmer was very surprised and painful. He couldn't understand why he saved the snake's life, but the snake repaid his kindness with hatred.


At the last moment of his life, the farmer realized that some evil deeds cannot be changed, and even if you give the greatest kindness, you may not get the corresponding return.


This story tells us: Kindness is a virtue, but when helping others, we also need to be vigilant and judge, because not everyone or everything is worthy of our trust and help. It’s okay to be kind, but you also have to learn to protect yourself.


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