I don't know from when we seem to like and get used to measure and record the day-by-day work By having how many "meetings" in one day.
不知道从什么时候开始, 当我们把日子过成了 不是在开会,就是在开会的路上。
I don't know from when we have turned our life into a pattern that we are either in a meeting or on the way to a meeting.
这让我不禁想到了《小王子》故事里, 在第四颗星球上,住着的那个生意人, 那个自认为在做“正经事”的“正经人”。 他特别忙,忙到说话的时候,都没时间抬起头来。 他特别忙,他聚精会神地所忙的事,是计算星星。 他特别忙,计算星星的目的是,他认为自己拥有它们。
It reminds me of the businessman who lives on the fourth planet In the Little Prince story. He thinks of himself as a "serious man" doing a "serious thing." He was so busy, that he didn't even have time to look up when he was talking. He was very busy; he was busy on counting the stars. He was very busy, the purpose of counting the stars is that he thought he owned them.
什么算是拥有? 小王子说他拥有火山和玫瑰, 因为这种用心的“连接”,让彼此变得不同、变得有用。 而这个生意人对星星没有什么用处, 星星对他也似乎毫无影响。 那他的 “忙碌”意义何在?
What does it mean when we say we own something? The little prince said he owned the volcanoes and rose, Because the "connection" by heart made them different and useful to each other. And this businessman had no use for the stars, Neither the stars seemed to be meaningful for him. So what's the point of his "being very busy"?
在单纯的小王子眼里, 那个生意人的忙碌, 不可理解,“非常古怪!” 那么, 那个生意人的身上, 是否也有你我的影子, 也会让小王子觉得“怪”?
In the eyes of the pure little Prince, The busyness of the businessman is Incomprehensible, Even "very weird!" as the Prince said. Then, Can we also find ourselves in that businessman, Which also make the little Prince feel "weird"?