用英语讲中国故事——Waiting at One’s ease for the Exhausted Enemy 以逸待劳

Time:August 11, 2024


Waiting at One’s ease for the Exhausted Enemy


The fourth of the Thirty-Six Stratagems: Waiting at One’s ease for the Exhausted Enemy


This strategy describes how to achieve victory in military terms by getting enough rest and preparation, waiting for the enemy to become tired before launching an attack.


This strategy was also used by Zhuge Liang during the Three Kingdoms period. This story is related to Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi.


During the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of Shu, was very smart. He was not only good at fighting, but also knew how to use many strategies.


Once, Zhuge Liang heard that Sima Yi, the general of Wei, was leading a large army to attack the border of Shu. He did not panic, but came up with a clever strategy - "Waiting at One’s ease for the Exhausted Enemy."


Zhuge Liang ordered his soldiers not to engage in direct battle, but to retreat to a place that was easy to defend but difficult to attack, where there were high mountains and dense forests, which was very suitable for hiding and defense.


He asked his soldiers to rest well during the day and to be on high alert at night to prepare for enemy attacks.


When Sima Yi's army arrived at the border, they found that the Shu army was missing and thought they had fled in fear.


So, Sima Yi's army began to look for the Shu army everywhere on the border. They shuttled through the mountains and forests day after day. The soldiers became very tired, and because they could not find the Shu army, their morale gradually declined.


At this moment, Zhuge Liang thought the time had come, and he ordered his soldiers to suddenly rush out of the mountains and forests and attack the exhausted Wei army.


The Wei army was completely unprepared and was quickly defeated by the Shu army. Sima Yi saw his army in such a mess and had no choice but to order a retreat.


This story tells us: When facing difficulties and enemies, we must be patient, conserve our strength first, and wait for the best time to act, so that we can achieve the final victory. Sometimes, wisdom and strategy are more important than direct strength.


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