TED: How to solve food and climate challenges

Time:August 11, 2024

It might surprise you to learn that the food we eat and the farms that grow it and the landscapes we've cleared all contribute to climate change and contribute in a really, really big way. Our job today is to figure out what we can actually do about it. Well, this is also kind of a tricky topic, in part because there are just so many variables at work and so many processes, but also it's a place of a lot of confusion and misinformation. 


So how are we going to move forward together and try to figure out something with clarity? Well, to do that, I like to listen to the data and see what it tells us and see what we can learn from it. And the first thing the data tells us about our food system is that it's really, really big. So let's take a look at this. 


This is the land that we use on Earth just to grow our crops here in green. Here's the land we use to graze our animals here in red. Together, that's a huge amount of land. 


It's about 38 percent of all the land there is on Earth. To put that in perspective, all the cities and suburbs on Earth cover less than one percent of Earth's land. This is 38. 

它大约占地球陆地总面积的 38%。相比之下,地球上所有的城市和郊区加起来还不到地球陆地面积的 1%。这是 38%。

Now, of this 38, 29 of it is used for animals, either to graze or to grow animal feed. So we have a huge footprint of agriculture and a lot of it is devoted to the animal part of our agricultural systems. So food dominates our planet and animals dominate the food system today. 

在这 38% 中,有 29% 用于动物,要么是放牧,要么是种植动物饲料。因此,我们的农业足迹巨大,其中很大一部分用于农业系统中的动物部分。因此,食物主宰着我们的星球,而动物则主宰着当今的食物系统。

That's just data. That's just the truth. So what does this mean? It means that there's some massive environmental impacts just from the sheer real estate of our food system. 


And we have to acknowledge that, whether it's the role of agriculture in driving biodiversity loss or water pollution or degrading ecosystems all over the world, it has a huge footprint. And that footprint doesn't end just on land or in water. It extends all the way to the atmosphere and our climate system. 


In fact, if you look at the emissions data from the IPCC, we find that agriculture, land use and the food system as a whole contribute about 22 percent of global emissions. That's comparable to the emissions from electricity or from industry. So this is a pretty big player. 

事实上,如果我们看一下 IPCC 的排放数据,就会发现农业、土地利用和整个食品系统约占全球排放量的 22%。这与电力或工业的排放量相当。因此,这是一个相当大的参与者。

Let's look under the hood and see what's involved in this. Of this 22 percent of greenhouse gas emissions coming from the food system, there are four big players. The first is deforestation. 

让我们深入了解一下这其中涉及的内容。在这 22% 来自食品系统的温室气体排放中,有四大参与者。首先是森林砍伐。

That's about half of all those food emissions at 11 percent of global emissions. Eleven percent. That's a pretty big deal. 

这大约占所有食品排放量的一半,占全球排放量的 11%。百分之十一。这是一个相当大的数字。

To put that in perspective, the entire U.S. economy emits 10 to 11 percent. Deforestation is even bigger. And we don't talk about this nearly enough. 

相比之下,整个美国经济的排放量为 10% 到 11%。森林砍伐的规模甚至更大。而我们对此谈论得还远远不够。

Second is methane from livestock. Now, we hear a lot of jokes about what cows do and all that kind of thing. But the science is actually really clear. 


Livestock are a huge emitter of methane, and methane is a very big driver of climate change. And we have to make that connection. Third is basically industrial farming methods, especially overusing chemicals like fertilizers and treating soil really badly. 


We have to think about that too. And then finally, we have rice production, another methane producer at around 2 percent. That's also going to be really important. 

我们也必须考虑到这一点。最后,还有水稻生产,这也是一个甲烷排放源,约占 2%。这也很重要。

So to first order, all of those emissions, those 22 percent, come from just those four things. Deforestation, livestock, industrial farming methods, and rice. So we're going to have to look at all those in some detail. 

因此,首先,所有这些排放,也就是那 22%,都来自这四样东西。森林砍伐、牲畜、工业化农业方法和水稻。因此,我们将不得不详细研究所有这些问题。

But that's not all. Beyond these direct emissions of food, that 22 percent, there are some indirect ways the food system emits greenhouse gas as well. For example, discarded food might end up in a landfill somewhere, rotting and producing methane. 

但这还不是全部。除了食品的这些直接排放,即 22% 之外,食品系统还有一些间接排放温室气体的方式。例如,被丢弃的食物最终可能会进入某个垃圾填埋场,腐烂并产生甲烷。

And that's counted over here in the industry column. And then we have to think about all the energy and materials it takes to grow food, and then later to process, transport, package, and prepare it. That's counted elsewhere in the food system as well. 


So when we look at these data, it tells us that, yes, food releases 22 percent of greenhouse gases directly. But when we add all the other sources, it grows to something like 34 percent. Roughly a third of all the greenhouse gases on Earth. 

因此,当我们查看这些数据时,它告诉我们,是的,食品直接排放的温室气体占 22%。但当我们把所有其他来源加起来时,这个数字就增长到了 34% 左右。大约占地球上所有温室气体的三分之一。

So that means it's a third of the climate problem. In other words, we cannot solve climate change unless we also address the problems of food alongside fossil fuels and energy. So that's why we're here today, to talk about why food and climate are so connected. 


So we have a problem, and that problem is getting bigger, because the emissions of food are rising. Even in countries like the United States, where emissions of other greenhouse gases are going down. In the U.S., emissions of electricity are going down. 


In industry, they're going down. They're beginning to go down in buildings and transportation, but not in food. They're still going up. 


And that's true throughout the world. This is the most stubborn and difficult part of the whole climate puzzle. So we need to really take this seriously. 


So basically, we have a crisis in food and climate, because it's a huge emitter of greenhouse gases, it's getting worse, and it's a problem where there's a lot of confusion and kind of misinformation flowing around, and we don't often know what to do. So this is where we need a plan. We need a science-based plan that helps us move forward through the challenge of food and climate change. 


Well, what's the first step of the plan? The first step of the plan, always in climate change, is to cut the emissions. Always. Whether it's electricity or industry or transportation, you always start by cutting the primary pollution. 


Why? Well, one analogy we often use is a bathtub. If a bathtub's overflowing and pouring out of the floor or damaging your house, what's the first thing you do? You turn off the faucet. Then you go look for the sponge to clean up the rest of the water. 


So let's turn off the faucet of pollution and turn down these huge sources. To do that, there are four key pillars we can follow to do it. The first is to be more efficient. 

因此,让我们关掉污染的 "水龙头",减少这些巨大的污染源。为此,我们可以遵循四个关键支柱。首先是提高效率。

Just like insulating buildings or driving hybrid cars, efficiency is a good place to start. So within the food system, we have a lot of opportunities for efficiency, especially by cutting food waste and food loss. And there's astonishing numbers here. 


It turns out about 30 to 40 percent of all the food grown on Earth is never eaten. So that means that 30 to 40 percent of all the land and water and greenhouse gases it took to grow food weren't even necessary. So cutting food waste turns out to be a big lever in stopping climate change. 

事实证明,地球上大约 30% 到 40% 的粮食从未被食用。这意味着,用于种植粮食的土地、水和温室气体中有 30% 到 40% 根本就没有必要。因此,减少食物浪费是阻止气候变化的一个重要杠杆。

We also need to look at diets. Now, this one gets a little bit tricky and people don't like to talk about it, but we're going to need to, because it turns out some foods end up emitting a lot more greenhouse gases than others. Just look at the top things on this list of greenhouse gas emissions per pound of food. 


What do they all have in common? They're all animal products. And then look at beef at the top of the list. It's literally off the chart. 


And it emits a hundred pounds of greenhouse gases for one pound of beef. On average, some of it is even more than that. Now, just stop and think about that for just one second. 

每生产一磅牛肉,就会排放 100 磅温室气体。平均而言,有些牛肉的排放量甚至更高。现在,请停下来想一想。

It turns out a pound of coal, the dirtiest fossil fuel there is, releases about four pounds of CO2. But producing one pound of beef produces a hundred pounds of greenhouse gas. This makes beef the most climate-polluting substance you and I will normally encounter in our lives. 

事实证明,一磅煤(最脏的化石燃料)会释放约 4 磅二氧化碳。但生产一磅牛肉会产生 100 磅温室气体。这使得牛肉成为你我生活中通常会遇到的污染气候最严重的物质。

So this is kind of a big deal, and that's one of the reasons among many that shifting diets towards more plant-rich options is a good idea for climate. Now, it doesn't mean everybody goes vegan tomorrow. Even small targeted changes can make a big, big difference. 


We also have to think about ways of protecting forests and other ecosystems from being cleared. One of the things we have to be concerned about is commodity agriculture, especially clearing forests for more beef, more soybeans, which are used for animal feed, and palm oil. Those are some of the biggest clearers of tropical rainforest, and we have to look for those all over the world. 


And there are many ways we can stop deforestation and stop this clearing of forests. We can work with indigenous communities to protect their land into the future. We can clean up global supply chains. 


We can fix global carbon markets. Many, many things we can do here. We also have to improve farming methods so we don't emit as much from the farmer's field. 


We can blend a lot of different techniques here, whether it borrows from organic agriculture or conventional or precision ag or whatever. We can borrow lots of good ideas and find ways to reduce emissions. One of the things we'll have to do is pay particular attention to fertilizers because they're a big, big polluter, not only to the atmosphere, but also to water. 


And some places in the world use way too much fertilizer, more than the crops could ever actually use. And it turns out those areas shown in yellow could dramatically lower their fertilizer use without affecting yields at all and improve emissions greatly. So there's some great opportunities here. 


And finally, we can fix the rest of the food system, whether it's in transportation, refrigeration, packaging, cooking food, all of that. And together we have a whole system of solutions that improves efficiency, protect ecosystems from being cleared, improve the way we farm, and improve the rest of the food system. These are all put together as kind of an ensemble of solutions and it works really, really well. 


Beyond cutting emissions, we can also remove some carbon in the food system as well. But just like other sectors, we have to be a little bit careful about carbon removal. It never takes the place of cutting emissions. 


Why? Well, in this case, because it starts off really, really small. All the carbon removal on land today is less than a tenth of a percent in the ag system and we are emitting 22%. So it's small. 

为什么?嗯,在这种情况下,因为它开始时真的很小。今天,陆地上所有的碳去除量在农业系统中所占的比例不到 0.1%,而我们的排放量是 22%。所以它很小。

Also, there's a limit to how much we can store in soils and vegetation and how long we can store it. So we have to be careful there. And we also want to make sure we never distract from the real job of cutting emissions in the first place. 


But nevertheless, we have some great opportunities to cut emissions and remove carbon and add these two new pillars. For example, we can rewild old agricultural lands, bringing them back to nature, whether it's forests or prairies or coastal ecosystems. Or we can practice regenerative agriculture on our working lands and build up soil carbon and vegetation cover in ways that store carbon, improve soil health, and improve water quality in really great ways. 


So putting this all together, we have an enormous toolbox of solutions. First, cutting emissions and removing carbon through rewilding and regenerative agriculture. We have all these tools in this toolbox and we should use them as a kind of combined effort, as a toolbox, as a portfolio. 


Because there's no silver bullet solution to solving the food and climate dilemma at all. There just isn't one. I wish there was. 


But what we have to do is use this whole portfolio of solutions, have them work together, and find a way forward. So how are we going to move forward here? Well, I think we actually have an incredible opportunity facing us today. While the food and climate crisis is an enormous challenge, of course, I also see it as an incredible opportunity. 


And that opportunity is to build an entirely better food system. We could have a food system that truly nourishes the world today and into the future. We could have a food system that reduces pressure on nature and even help restore some of it. 


And we could have a food system that actually stops climate change. That's entirely possible and at our fingertips today. And we could do all of this at the same time. 


And what's so beautiful today is this is already possible. None of this requires some new technology. It requires us to change. 


That's it. And we just need to choose it. But if we do, we can follow the science and we can collaborate across this whole range of solutions and actually unlock a much better future. 


Thank you very much. Thank you. 


contribute – verb. to be one of the causes of something. 导致,促成

misinformation – noun. false or inaccurate information. 错误信息

graze – verb. (of animals) to eat grass in a field. 放牧

dominate – verb. to be the most important or powerful person or thing. 主导

sheer – adjective. used to emphasize the size, amount or degree of something. 纯粹的,完全的

real estate – noun. property in the form of land or buildings. 房地产

biodiversity – noun. the variety of plant and animal life in a particular habitat. 生物多样性

degrade – verb. to lower the quality of something. 降低...的质量

emissions – noun. the production and discharge of something, especially gas or radiation. 排放

deforestation – noun. the action of clearing a wide area of trees. 森林砍伐

livestock – noun. farm animals regarded as an asset. 牲畜

methane – noun. a colorless, odorless flammable gas that is the main constituent of natural gas. 甲烷

fertilizers – noun. a chemical or natural substance added to soil or land to increase its fertility. 肥料

pillars – noun. a fundamental principle or part of a system. 支柱

insulating – verb. protect (something) by interposing material that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound. 隔热

astonishing – adjective. extremely surprising or impressive; amazing. 惊人的

emit – verb. produce and discharge (something, especially gas or radiation). 排放

vegan – noun. a person who does not eat or use animal products. 纯素食者

commodity agriculture – noun. the production of agricultural products specifically for sale in the market. 商品农业

soybeans – noun. a legume native to East Asia, widely grown for its edible bean. 大豆

palm oil – noun. an edible vegetable oil derived from the mesocarp of the fruit of the oil palms. 棕榈油

tropical rainforest – noun. a hot, wet forest found near the equator, with a high diversity of plants and animals. 热带雨林

indigenous communities – noun. groups of people who are native to a particular place. 土著社区

supply chains – noun. the sequence of processes involved in the production and distribution of a commodity. 供应链

carbon markets – noun. a system for trading allowances of carbon emissions. 碳市场

refrigeration – noun. the process of subjecting to cold or freezing temperatures. 冷藏

ensemble – noun. a group of items viewed as a whole rather than individually. 集合

rewild – verb. restore (an area of land) to its natural uncultivated state. 恢复野生状态

prairies – noun. a large open area of grassland. 草原

regenerative agriculture – noun. a conservation and rehabilitation approach to food and farming systems. 再生农业

vegetation cover – noun. the layer of plants growing on the ground. 植被覆盖

dilemma – noun. a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives. 困境

nourishes – verb. provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition. 滋养


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